LPA Monthly Mix-Up: July 2016: Winners

Discussion in 'News' started by Kevin, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. #1

    Kevin A Pattern To Be Followed. LPA Administrator

    Apr 6, 2012
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    Last month, we challenged you guys to remix a Linkin Park classic and fan favourite, "Runaway". We've all been listening to the "Hybrid Theory" standout for a long time, and were keen to hear some new interpretations from our members. We know that this theme threw some of you for a loop and proved a little difficult, and, as a result, this round produced less entries than you might have expected. Nonetheless, we received some great entries, and choosing a winner was not easy.

    In fact, it turned to be impossible, so we ended up with a tie instead, resulting in two victors:

    Feenix has been throwing entries into our MMU rounds for quite a few years now, and his colourful take on "Runaway" has taken the cake this time. This remix features a very minimal, 3-minute arrangement carried by a sharp, pristine bassline and a danceable rhythm, all blatantly indebted to the synthpop wave of the 80s. Linkin Park vocal melodies sit nicely over the top, and the result is electronic pop with a hint of darkness that might resonate with fans of Depeche Mode or early Nine Inch Nails.

    -Amarez- delivered a reworking of "Runaway" which is a little more experimental, opening with mysterious piano and strings and, without warning, throwing elements of IDM, trap and dubstep at you as it progresses. Running about 5 minutes, this track is packed with contrasting sounds and surprising moments, making for a dynamic and exciting remix that, upon first listen, should keep listeners on their toes. Among its highlights is a sudden drop towards the middle which recalls the awesome industrial halftime section from the "A Thousand Suns" track "Blackout".

    We would like to earnestly apologize to those of you who've been asking about this post - we're so sorry for the wait - and, once again, we are extremely grateful to those of who you entered, as well as those who listened to and commented on the entries as they appeared. And, of course, congratulations to the winners!

    To close out: for reasons that are too numerous to really go into, we're going to have to put the Monthly Mix-Up to rest for what will likely be an indefinite period.

    The Monthly Mix-Up has a long and storied history that we here at the Linkin Park Association are immensely proud of. Throughout the years, we've seen so many people produce so many great entries for every round, and we've also seen a whole lot of people pick up music production as beginners in order to participate. The contest gave LPA's music-making community a major kickstart when it was first introduced in 2012. Since then, friendships have struck up, bands have been founded ... and people who aren't into playing or creating music at all have learned just how much music-making discussion they can endure in the shoutbox!

    Our monthly remix contest has also, at certain points, made a splash in the wider Linkin Park community beyond our site. In fact, Linkin Park's own band members (or maybe just one particular member ...) came through to provide theme suggestions and opinions on entrants' works on a couple of occasions. But that's just icing on the cake. There is constant creativity going on within our user base, and it is no doubt a big part of what makes this place special. Putting a spotlight to all of that talent has been amazing.

    In closing, we'd like to thank every single one of you who have helped us to make the MMU a resounding success over the past few years. It is because of your creative spirit, and passion for this project that we were able to keep the idea alive for as long as we did. With a new album on the horizon, and the potential for full album stems to be released, there may come a time where the MMU will resurface once more. But for now: thank you all for an incredible run.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2016
    minuteforce and Wasabi GOD like this.
  2. #2


    Jul 28, 2010
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    Congrats to the winners! Sad to see the MMU disappear.
  3. #3
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Nice work everyone
  4. #4
    Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Congratulation everyone.
  5. #5
    Serious Dave

    Serious Dave Fighter of the Nightman

    May 25, 2012
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    Those strings at the end of Amarez's remix are cool as shit.

    R.I.P MMU. Unless they release acapellas for their next album?
  6. #6
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    It would honestly take the band asking us to do a remix contest directly, or lots of fan fervor for us to bring it back at this point. We love the MMU, and it's by far one our proudest and most storied achievements...but the last few times we've held these contests, the amount of entries received has been very limited. The lack of enthusiasm by LPAers and outsiders to submit mixes, is a huge reason why we are shelving this for an indefinite period of time.
  7. #7

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Also the salt. Oh there was so much salt. I could season so many steaks with the salt.
  8. #8
    Serious Dave

    Serious Dave Fighter of the Nightman

    May 25, 2012
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    I think free for alls with the brand new songs would be popular. Of course Polka and a 16 year old song we're all sick of weren't popular :lol:
    Wasabi GOD likes this.
  9. #9
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Yeah, another shoutbox situation people aren't gonna drop.

    Been active in the forums for over half a year, I think. Gonna have to get used to watching people go through that.
  10. #10

    -Amarez- Active Member

    Jun 30, 2016
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    Where's Feenix. We need to toast.
    Also, I figured out who mixed 'Fancy' by Iggy Azalea. It was Feenix.

    Thank you moderators of LPAssociation for doing this contest. It's a brilliant way of having musicians express their emotions and share them with a connecting fan-base.
    I hope you guys do MMUs for LP's next album. It will be an exciting time for every musician on here.
  11. #11
    Serious Dave

    Serious Dave Fighter of the Nightman

    May 25, 2012
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    Is Pat being a dope in the shoutbox one of the reasons why the MMU's being suspended indefinitely?
  12. #12

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    People's criticisms weren't really a deciding factor. It ultimately had more to do with us staff members and our situations than the participants

    And, while we can't rule out the MMU's return in future, I can say that it doesn't matter right now and that, for the most part, we'll be treating this as a permanent thing, as outlined in the OP :)
  13. #13
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I'm going to double down on what Tony said...there were no 'Shoutbox Situations' or member criticisms that lead to us suspending these contests. I'm not even familiar with the incidents in question (as I was not here for them) and I can completely assure you these incidents had zero to do with it.

    We just didn't see the point in continuing them right now. Even with "Polka" (which was a joke theme), and "Runaway" aside...our entries were becoming less with time. Even with Free-For-Alls. The last contest that truly had a 'yuuuuge' turnout was GATS, and that's because Mike Shinoda was judging it.
  14. #14
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Was talking about Minus' humorous (?) post. But that's typical Minus, I'm sure he's not being serious. Just that I've only been active on here for a year despite being a member for 2 years. And the time I've been here I've seen veteran members join in on a collective attack on two members already. I mean, I guess it's not too serious but it was a little unsettling because I don't like seeing that happen to people over really silly things. And when the shoutbox drama is over, people hold on to it and make it a running joke against the antagonized members. Even bringing it back up for the sake of it when said members come back. I'm not being sensitive I hope - I know it's just the internet and no one should take the forum or shoutbox drama too seriously. REALLY am trying not to be sensitive or a snitch about it. Just bothers me somewhat since these people are still people.

    I'm fully aware that shoutbox situations had nothing to do with putting MMU on hiatus - yall wouldn't stop a remix contest over something as petty as that. It's just unprofessional and inconsiderate, which is what LPA tries to avoid, I assume. Visiting the site in the past, I noticed a dwindling sense of enthusiasm and lack of participation for the contests. That's a valid reason to stop doing MMU for a while. As you said, I'd imagine it'd be exhausting to set the contest up, maintain it, and judge without participants and fans showing enough interest.
  15. #15

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Most of us are longtime friends (as much as we can be) and we don't mind a bit of banter when we argue. I think the community as a whole knows that we have our in-jokes. As for "attacking" ... for my part, I only saw the other night a discussion where, yes, tempers flared and it got a little out of hand despite everybody's efforts, but, then, obviously, it fizzled out on its own, for better or worse.
  16. #16

    Feenix Well I Do

    Jul 25, 2005
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    Sorry for the delay in my post. Just moved house and have a barely working internet line.

    The win is really humbling and I thank the staff and anyone that took the time to listen. I actually almost didn't enter. The remix came about mostly by accident. I think like a lot of us I wasn't interested in Runaway, but I had just got a new VST called Spire by Reveal Sound. Suddenly this synth pop thing developed over the course of a weekend. The chunk of the time was mixing and adding effects and plug-ins to glue everything together.

    Congrats to Amarez too!
    I hadn't heard this Iggy Azalea track, can see the similarities though.

    Lastly, frankly I don't know or care what this drama that's being referred to is but I hope sincerely that the MMU does continue even if it's on a less frequent basis. We're in album downtime right now, i'm sure amazing things can happen in the future - and if it inspires even one person to pursue music i'd say it's worth it.
    Modern Guitar God likes this.
  17. #17
    Serious Dave

    Serious Dave Fighter of the Nightman

    May 25, 2012
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    I guess this
    If it continues, it should change names. Monthly should be removed. LPA Mix Up sounds good.
  18. #18

    xefuzion Active Member

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Not that it actually matters but wanted to throw this out there anyway.
    Runaway is pretty difficult to remix and potentially scared some people away from entering or even trying.
    I personally didn't want to remix it again but giving people more options could add more interest.

    Using this month's entries to decide if people are still interested in entering contests isn't really fair.
  19. #19
    The Joesen One

    The Joesen One Fun-employed LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Although it's sad to see the MMU go for a while, I'm not really surprised. The forum itself has stalled for a while, and I'm pretty sure most of us aren't even to LP right now, since the band's busy at work for the next record, which I find to be a good thing since it's giving them more time to get it right. I'm pretty sure it'll pop up again when the new record shows and all of us suddenly come out of our caves (aka the real world, other fandoms lol).

    And, if it helps, I'd like to say that the MMU helped me appreciate various forms of EDM. :)
  20. #20
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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