Housekeeping [please read]

Discussion in 'Your Projects' started by minuteforce, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. #1

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Re: the MMU
    For those who don't know, we announced via this post that we're definitively shutting down the Monthly Mix-Up that we've had running on and off for the last few years. To you guys, this probably isn't much different from the temporary hiatus periods we've had for those contests and, on an objective level, that's about right. We'll be looking over constructive responses but we're definitely not going to switch gears right now. Our mindset at the moment is that there won't be any MMU rounds in the near future and, for us staff members especially, there will be no waiting for the right time to bring them back.

    With this, we've really begun to consider other things we can do to nurture the creative side of this community because, as said in the MMU post, it's an important part of what this place is. We've only just begun shooting ideas out amongst each other, so there's definitely nothing concrete yet, but I thought that making this post could help move things a little bit faster.

    "release" tag
    If you create art - as a hobbyist or as a professional, at whatever level - and you have something that's finished, 100% final and release-ready, we want to know. Whatever it is. So, if you release something and you create a thread to let everyone know, it'd be cool if you could add a "release" tag to your thread, which means manually typing it in. If you've finished something and you already have a thread where you've presented it, it would be great if you could add that tag to your thread too by clicking the "Edit" option underneath your thread's title. We might eventually be using "release" as a tag for Linkin Park news stories in the "News" sub-forum but that shouldn't present any major problems and, in any case, we'll cross that bridge when we reach it.

    Anyway, in future, if/when we come up with a good way to highlight or showcase the things that our members produce, this is something that will help us to get started on it easily as well as keep track of what's going on right now. Hopefully, it will help make the work that you feel should represent you more visible to others in the community. To begin with, I'm thinking about having a regularly-updated pinned post in this sub-forum that lists recent entries in the tag; in the long term, I'm aiming for increased integration with the website.

    If you'd like to respond to this thread with a work that you have (and a link to the accompanying "Your Projects" thread, if applicable), please feel free. And, of course, say anything that you want to say about this idea. :)

    EDIT: now that there are a couple of entries in it, you can check the tag here.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
  2. #2

    Dragondust Lingering distortion LPA VIP

    Feb 4, 2010
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    Great idea! I think I did it right....
  3. #3

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I dig it.
  4. #4
    lime treacle

    lime treacle Über Member Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    I'd love a sort of an MMU... for artwork. Like, set a theme, see who comes up with the best idea and draws/paints the best picture.

    I mean, I'm saying this because it'd be a great way for myself to get involved. But maybe some other drawers/painters on the site would like to do it too. Just putting it out there. :)
  5. #5

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Just a brief update: behind the scenes, we've been brainstorming things we can do to promote original content but there's no timeline for when any of our ideas will be realised. Again, if you post about a release in the "Your Projects" sub-forum, or if you have a thread already, please tag it with "release" so that it appears in the list. I actually just went through and tagged some of the threads from earlier this year so there's a couple more in the list now than there was before. :)
    Neko Sensei likes this.

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