I agree to a certain extent, most of the songs on the third album are annoying and one or two in the selft-titled, the difference is the annoying songs on the third album are mostly bad, but the songs that are a bit annoying on the self-titled album are not bad (Bitchin' Summer and Sippin' On Sunshine) apart from Hello Kitty (probably her worst song). From the first two albums only the song He Wasn't on Under My Skin really bugs me and I place it among her worst songs ever. I find most of Taylor Swift's music much more annoying because Avril has a much better voice that can make her annoying songs sound good.
Well, I like the new single even though the transition to the chorus fails. As to the video, it starts off very well and gets worse and worsr till the end, I don't get why she has to do dance moves in almost every video.
San Diego by blink-182 with Matt Skiba is actually better than all of Chesire Cat and a good portion of Dude Ranch. Also Tom DeLonge is very much average in his musical ability. He shines with blink and AVA though because his voice fits.