I have a cat, his name is santiago but I don't have a pic of him :wth: but my brother have a dog and his name is Otto this is the pic
Tara This was taken today. She's got her blue thing on because it's too cold for her at night and it keeps her warm. She was eating dirt before the pic was taken.
I have...2 Kitties...Simon, Chompers and Zoe. And i have 3 doggies. I have a (i can't spell it!) pekanigse- Sara....a Border Collie- Molly and a Husky- Kaja
Pekingese? I have *drumroll*... 14 dogs; Zoe (golden retriever), Poppy (sheltie), Molly (black pom), Chester (white pom), Sugar (white pom/poodle), Gracie (tan pom), Pebbles (blonde pom), Tucker (black and tan pom/chi), Sadie (multi-colored pom/chi), Jasper (black and tan pom/chi), Sophie (black and tan pom/chi), Bunny Chicken (multi-colored pom/chi), Gully (black and tan pom/chi) and *gasps* Sulley (black and gray pom/chi). 3 cats; Frosty (ol' and fat), Tigger (crazy for chicken and sheds like mad) and Roo (the chicken sh*t). 2 minature donkeys; Elvis (his owner's originally named him Simon) and Eeyore (she farts, lol.) *dies*
Pekingese? I have *drumroll*... 14 dogs; Zoe (golden retriever), Poppy (sheltie), Molly (black pom), Chester (white pom), Sugar (white pom/poodle), Gracie (tan pom), Pebbles (blonde pom), Tucker (black and tan pom/chi), Sadie (multi-colored pom/chi), Jasper (black and tan pom/chi), Sophie (black and tan pom/chi), Bunny Chicken (multi-colored pom/chi), Gully (black and tan pom/chi) and *gasps* Sulley (black and gray pom/chi). 3 cats; Frosty (ol' and fat), Tigger (crazy for chicken and sheds like mad) and Roo (the chicken sh*t). 2 minature donkeys; Elvis (his owner's originally named him Simon) and Eeyore (she farts, lol.) *dies* [/b][/quote] A pekanigse...or however you spell it..is like a pug..just furrier! Nooo Don't die!!! *gasp* You are so lucky! My parents think 6 is too much. But as soon as i move out...i'm getting a lot..A LOT of dogs and cats and i'm going to rescue all of them. Teehee! I love animals so much Lol..hmm..i might just have to move in with you..lol..it's okay! If you have no room..i can sleep with the donkeys! Well..maybe a little bit away from Eeyore. Lol.
This is my neighbors puppy but-Look how cute it is! lol his name is Nemo. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v239/C...90/bcf281b7.bmp
Beware!! Richard will devour you with one bite. :chemist: Richard - BEWARE!!! p.s. don't ever attempt to steal his ball, he will kill...again.
Not as intimidating as Linkin Junior's lizard. He was afraid to come out until I dropped some crickets in there. :whistle:
Nope. One of it's fins are broken or diseased or something and all it does it swim around upside down in circles. Coolest fish ever.