LMAO! good... doggy? kittie? [/b][/quote] Hes hard to calm down when he gets excited, but i soon get him put on a lead.
Hes hard to calm down when he gets excited, but i soon get him put on a lead. [/b][/quote] *Whimpers and wants a treat*. :'(
We are on topic, it's about pets =D. Heres some pics of my real pets. We used to have 5 kittens, but we had 2 give 4 away becuase we would have had too many cats. We kept the one trying to climb up the side of the slide. And the orange cat is called tigger who wasnt a kitten in that litter lol. This is witty, shes about 2 years old who is the mother to all those cats above, apart from the orange one. This is tweena, she is the mother to the orange cat in the first picture and the yellow cat below. She did have another kiten put he was run over :'(. This is bunny who is son of the cat above. He's my actual cat, i love him so so much. And i am not a mad cat lady.. lol. And Phantom Duck, your dog is really cute.
You have the cutest cats ever! . I wish I could have a cat but my landlords wont allow it due to the fact that they leave a 'smell' behind if they piss. I'm happy with my dog Billy though, he's awesome . *Will edit this post with a pic in a bit*.
My Puppy. Sulley, Sulliver, Sulley Bear, Sulley Wulley. His parents are inbred and he doesn't get out in the social scene much. He's the mutant of the litter. His older siblings are roughly two times smaller than he is. He's the youngest. And oddest enough, the oldest (Bunny Chicken or just Bunny) is the smallest. I've taken Sulley to flea markets and I get remarks like, "It's a mini wolf!" or "Can I look at your fox?" lol, you decide. Me and my puppy Lil black fox Kissies He's alert, lol. He hearts the camera <3
I don't have pics cuz my scanners not working and I have no clue how to use it but I have 6 cats and they're so adorable. Spice Sugar Kitty ( ya i know stupid name, but we got lazy naming them) Tigger Lizzy Shnookums
Cassie, I like your puppy. Deedee, don't worry about your cats having stupid names, lol. My cats have the weirdest names. My two kittens are named Polar Bear and Rabbit. One of my other cat's name is Mimi and he's a male. And my other cat's named Meow Meow -- lol. My kittens that I had to give away were named: Wo Wo, Dat Baby, Birdy, and Mini. ...Yeah, now those are crazy names heheh. My dog's the only one who has a normal name: Pepe. Click here to see my pets.
Thank you. As I mentioned above, I have a puppy named Bunny Chicken. It's different, I like it. My best girlfriend Lucy has a cat named Sushi Chew, I adore Sushi.
click here, here annnd here to see my dog Bruno [yes, im the dofus holding him] Rottweiler pup...only a few weeks old.
Thankies _Product_. He's my baaaby. ImmortalSoul668; I never chose Bunny Chicken. I wanted to name her Chilly originally because when she was born, it seemed like she was never gonna warm up! She nearly died. Fortunately it was a happy ending! Anywho, one day my mom realized Georgie (her name previous to Bunny Chicken) hopped like a bunny but was as pussified as chicken and ta-da!