Your passion for the band in recent years

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Urantia Girl, Jul 14, 2007.

  1. #1
    Urantia Girl

    Urantia Girl Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2007
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    .... Has anyone felt the same way as me? Over the last three years I've kind of lost my old love for Linkin Park. Now don't flame and don't get me wrong! I'd love to listen to a track of theirs on the Ipod while I'm working out or whatever. But things seemed to change and I really don't know why. Is it this new album? The wait between them? I found myself in relation to even other GENRES of music that I sort of dappled in over the years and now am intimately discovering. Maybe I'll get yelled at and catch flack for this, but I don't think I liked the new album. When I listened to HT, even Meteora, I felt such a strong connection! Every pounding beat I could relate to. Hybrid Theory came out when I was 17 years old. I'm now 24. When I bought the new album back in May I really didn't want to buy it in the first place because with the WID single, I felt like that wasn't a good effort. LP is so different from what I listen to: industrial, EBM, aggrotech... etc.

    Anyone feel the same way: that you just really don't like the band anymore? I'm never ever going to say "Oh they SUCK! oh they're MAINSTREAM!" because at one point they really did captivate my heart and just now I don't know.
  2. #2

    Rosh Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2007
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    Feel the same way on most counts. Though, I'm trying to learn to like the new album, and in some cases I have.

    (I'm sorry, but Leave Out All The Rest and In Between are still sucky to me :p)
  3. #3

    Radish Guest

    My passion for the band has... hmm... Well it hasn't changed for the worse, i love Minutes to Midnight! It's incredible! Yeah, it's different, that was the entire point :)
    But when they said that their sound will be completely different during the time before M2M's release, i got scared and yes, the spark did kinda die down for a bit. They're just expressing different emotions in different ways... Is it the Music or the Lyrics you cant relate to Urantia Girl?

    (I love all the M2M songs.... even leave out all the rest and in between ^_^ )
  4. #4

    Nick Great Job! LPA Super VIP

    Apr 19, 2005
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    i DID but when QWERTY came out i got back into em a LOT and i love MTM
  5. #5

    lparks41 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    I still like and listen to the band even after Minutes to Midnight came out. I was fourteen when Hybrid Theory came out when I started listening to them, I became more and more and more obsessed over the years, but MTM kind of let me down with my expectations.

    But I still listen to MTM a lot right now, even though it's not the best. "Little Things Give You away" has grown a lot on me and it's probably my very favorite song on the whole album now. The drum build up before and the guitar solo part toward the end of the song just makes a lot of memories flash through my head all at once. I love this song a lot.

    I love What I've Done, Given Up, In Pieces and In between. The rest of the album is listenable, but it just dosen't quite crunch your Lp hunger, you know?
  6. #6

    Xenogenesis Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2007
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    My passion over the band has grown exceptionally bigger over the years, only because I became a hardcore fan back in 2006 when I heard Numb on the radio. I'm one of the more younger fan generation, being only 15 (was 14 about 2 weeks ago). They have an incredible influence on me and you know, after playing the same songs for 100th time endlessly within a period of time kind of exhausted my energies for Hybrid Theory and Meteora. When Minutes To Midnight came out, although it didn't satisfy my true hunger, it showed a different side and sound of the band that I really do appreciate.

    By the way, without being bias as a fan I think if I heard Leave Out All The Rest or In Pieces on the radio I would pretty much start off there to become a fan of Linkin Park. My passion still grows, but it might begin to shrink as I begin exploring different genres of music.
  7. #7

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    my passion for LP has been aflame since '02 - and has never faltered since. :D while a lot of the fans are quick to dismiss "minutes to midnight", i only loved the band and the music all the more.

    LP has and always will be (at this rate) my all-time favourite band. period. ;) no band has ever replaced them there for me.

    just a note -- LP have always been mainstream. it's just not all that obvious, haha.
  8. #8

    Bennington_Hahn This goes out to everybody still hatin' LPA VIP

    Apr 6, 2007
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    lol if anything MtM and all there new stuff has made me apperciate them even more. I'm even excited for the next LPU CD!!!
  9. #9

    Jordan Secret Robot

    Apr 17, 2007
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    I really like minutes to midnight and i listen to it heaps, but it is a bit more poppier than what i listen to apart from given up and no more sorrow. The unique thing about linkin park in that nu-metal boom thing was that mike could rap unlike every other one of those try-to-rap-but-can't-nu-metal-bands and now that they've changed heaps i don't have a nu-metal-band-with-a-rapper-who-can-rap. I still enjoy the album as much as their previous releases and any other releases infact but that comes at a price.
  10. #10

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    I don't listen to Linkin Park that much anymore. I think I've listened to Minutes To Midnight only about eight times since I bought it. I'll always love Linkin Park but I'm growing out of their music. Not necessarily a bad thing either.
  11. #11
    El Muerto

    El Muerto LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    HT was released when I was 14 and it kinda marked the turning point in my life concerning the music I like. Before that I would usually listen to rap and techno, not many rock bands. So yeah. HT blew me away and I was really into the band even when Meteora came out. Although I was not disappointed with Meteora like most of the people I slowly reduced the play count of LP songs and at the same time discovered a lot of other great bands.
    So now, seven years later, I don't listen to them as much as I did before but I still like to hear some songs every once in a while (when I think about it, now I don't do or like a great majority of things that I did 5 or 6 years ago). And also, I'm not disappointed with MTM, it's a decent album and I play it once in every couple of weeks maybe.
    So, not a hardcore fan anyome but I hope they continue making music for many more years. :)
  12. #12

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    yeah, i've gotten into a countless number of different artists since i got into LP but, yeah, i'm always holding onto LP. the first band i ever liked. and the last band i'll ever like, i can safely assume. ;)
  13. #13

    Bryan Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2007
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    I may not be as obsessed as I was a couple years ago..but they'll ALWAYS be the best..LP for life lol.
  14. #14

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    2000-2002: Uber-hardcore fan.
    2003-2006: Cautious, still interested fan.
    2007-Present: Renewed faith in band.
  15. #15

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Well, as evidenced by this website from about 2001-2003 I was extremely obsessed with the band and they were a huge part of my life (to the point it would annoy my parents at times). Once Meteora came around I started to lose interest in the band because the album was immature and did not show much progression sound wise. It was Hybrid Theory part two and some of the lyrics on that CD were just terrible. It was less believable that they truly felt the way they did in those songs considering most of them were way past their teenage years and already married with kids.

    2007 however; has completely changed the way I look at Linkin Park for the better. To be honest, while I wasn't completely sold on Minutes to Midnight when I first heard it, I now probably listen to it a couple times a week.

    I will admit however that despite the heavy change seen on MTM, I still think the band is not showing enough of their true potential. While some songs on there are great examples of the band's strength..lyrically the music is still the same old same old and they'll need to ditch the angst for album #4 if I'm to hold them on the same level as say U2 or Pink Floyd.

    Like Mark said, my faith is they just have to keep that faith going.
  16. #16

    gozorninplat A Person

    Oct 6, 2004
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    I'm not gonna lie, I almost lost my faith in Linkin Park there for awhile. In fact, it's sort of wavering right now. I love Minutes to Midnight, but to mean it really just doesn't sound like Linkin Park. And yes, I know, it's supposed to be different, but really it doesn't come anything close to being like Hybrid Theory or Meteora. That, and it's really inconsistent, the songs just don't flow as you listen to the album from beginning to end. And I do love each song individually, but I can't listen to the album from start to finish, and really be satisfied.

    Not only that, but it seems that the members themselves have lost some of their integrity. They're nothing close to how bad the rest of the music industry is, but one thing that makes me question them is all the merchandising going on. It seems like just a ploy to make more money because they know the fans will spend their money on it. Also, their current set list bothers me. The fact that it's including mainly just singles bother me. It doesn't seem to be calling out to the true fans (correct me if I'm wrong). Why don't they play classics like With You, or A Place for My Head? Personally, I hear all of their singles enough on the radio seeing as they've all been overplayed, so when I see them live I really want to hear the stuff that isn't play as much.

    So just to sum it all up, Linkin Park really is still my favorite band, but I've been questioning them quite a bit lately, and if they take as long to come out with a fourth album as they did for their third, I might just let it go. I honestly have to say that my passion really isn't as strong as it used to be, although I will always defend them against the people who always say "Linkin Park sucks because everyone else likes them!" Such a lame excuse to not like a band...
  17. #17

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    I've loved LP since I was 11 and I'll be honest, not much has changed since then.

    Of course I wont give stupid emoish reasons for why I love them like ''LP saved my life'' anymore like I used to when I was like 13/14, but I never lost faith in the band. They're probably my favourite band of all time and I don't see that changing any time in the foreseeable future.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2007
  18. #18

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I disagree about the lyrics. These lyrics are a vast step in the right direction. I see no angst here, other than "No More Sorrow" and "Given Up". Even then in NMS, that's not being angry over a fight with your wife, that's being pissed off about being mislead by a jackass President. :lol:

    There's more intelligence and maturity to what they're saying now. They're more relevant, and it's not the same watered-down vague bullshit.

    I do agree that they're not quite there in terms of reaching their potential. But MTM is a huge step in the right direction.
  19. #19

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Well I can tell you one thing, every person I've played Minutes to Midnight to has all said the same thing, and that is that this album is very different for the band and a pleasant surprise, but that it feels a little disjointed.

    There's too much switching back and forth between the soft songs and the hard songs. While it's a great album, it might have benefited more by having more of its own sound.

    Btw, sorry for my terrible grammar in this post. I'm tired.
  20. #20

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Yeah, there is a switch up. It is disjointed in parts. But disjointed isn't a synonym for angsty. :lol:

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