Highlight - Having the first lie in i have had in months Lowlight - Being bored half to death cuz no one was online and having to resort to playing on my GBA all afternoon
Highlight: small victory agaisn't my Tryo Shirt, I wore it today with a red jacket. Lowlight: Just when I thought Summer wasn't far away... I woke up to find that it snowed last night!
Having a big long lie in for the first time in 2 months and finally downloading evanescence - heart shaped box
Highlight: Talking 2 Sean about how I'm not as obsessed with him as Hannah is. Hah. Loser(she is). Hes so funny he thinks out loud! Lowlight: Falling asleep @ 2am.. Not that bad accually i think that can count as a highlight cause i got to miss 1st period.. wOOt
Highlight: Getting an email from Kev from Tapered Edges and finding out they are going to be in HMV on Sunday. Lowlight: School.
Highlight: No school this afternoon! Lowlight: Maths and sciences exam on the same day tomorrow. It freaks me out!
Hi: my bass teacher is starting to teach me some advanced stuff... yay Lo: i just found out i didnt recieve my homework that i sent myself through email
Highlight- Think I did good on my language test (which I didn't study for) Lowlight- Think I did bad on my history test (which I studied for) ain't life weird?
High: Giggling with Peter in Media...we had way too much fun! Low: After school, he was being really weird.