Lowlight: Being extremely sick and breaking my toe. Highlight: Having Bruce to take care of me all day.
High- got a new LP t-shirt courtesy of my aunt maria who also loves LP, she's what, 40+? Another high- showed it off ( ) at my fren's house where we are camping tonight.
highlight: Going to an awesome surprise party for one of my friends last night Lowlight: having to go to school today on a sunday
Highlight: Hmmm, there are a coulple: 1) Getting the Britney concert from Jon. 2) Talking to Felix. and 3) Seeing an old, high guy dancing like a hippie at the concert. Lowlight: I have a sore throat.
Highlight: I had Chipotle (Awesome burrito and taco place. And it's owned by McDonalds. Lowlight: I tripped on a rock and fell. And some lady in her car pointed at me and started laughing. Her face turned so red, it looked like a damn tomato. Curse the rock....
Highlight: watching the snow/rain fall down all mourning Lowlight: not being able to go outside cuz of the snow/rain.
Highlight: Found the song I've been searching for months!! Lowlight: I'm not able to take back the hours of sleep I lost during the two past weeks so I'm extremely tired!
Highlight: Getting called off work..again. Lowlight: Feeling even sicker, having nothing to do, basically the whole day.