Highlights - The mock interview project is DONE! Yes!, buying Thousand Foot Krutch's Phenomenon cd, seeing Dawn of the Dead, and hanging out at the mall. Lowlights - I almost died...that was some scary sh*t.
Spending all of lunch period alone with him. And the rest of the time we spent together today. I think he's going to admit something soon.
hi: SPRING BREAK! whooo! hi: i passed french (seeing how i didnt do that movie poster nor film my movie) lo: im indefinately bored for a week
highlight: completing one half of my english assignment lowlight: staying up late completing the rest of it -_- thank goodness for daylight saving!!
Highliight - Spending two hours with him this morning at the bowling alley Lowlight - Having to do my English homework
Highlight: seein my step brother after like months Lowlight: i was stuck at my grandma's all day so i couldnt go out and skate.
Highlight: Fixed the cable! w00t! And finding out that Casey is my biatch. Lowlight: Spring Break ends soon... and that means I have to do homework.
Highlight: Petting a Tiger and watching a guy swallow a balloon.. Lowlight: Knowing that I have homework to do..but don't feel like doing it.
Highlight - Shopping. Lowlight - Seeing some girl on the street corner shaking her ass when cars came by. errr.
Highlight: improvisation tournament all week-end with Leo, Munch, Ronan and my Psycho! My coach and Jeremie even came to watch us play! Lowlight: Hummm has anybody seen my week-end? It kind of passed way too fast!