Playing with my stereo in my car. After futzing around with the controls (there are a gajillion settings on it) I got it sounding perfect and the subwoofer is f00king great Yes, after a full day of work, the most exciting thing was my car stereo
hearing some NASA guy get orgasmically excited about mars... "we've got a bouncing signal! i repeat, we've got a bouncing signal!!!" oh yeeeeah
ahaha, that's hilarious. my highlight would be watching the maple leafs slaughter the canadiens in hockey tonight.
probably seeing that fake Howard Dean car commercial on Leno last night. "CALIFORNIA!!! IOWA!!! MICHIGAN!!!"
making the people behind us in the theatre crack up during Win A Date With Tad Hamilton. man, that was great...
Going to the LP concert and watching them put up my flag that I made while thousands of people looked at it.
Going to Best Buy and buying Breaking Benjamin Saturate cd. Awesome stuff. Also I was talking to some guy who works there and I found out that he went to the Philly LP show! That was awesome. We were talking for maybe 20 minutes about the show. Awesome.
Highlight: Getting on the internet. Lowlight: Finding out all the damage that happened at my place because of the storm.
muahah.. trying out my non-existent html coding skills..!! hahahhaha... i got my first page up! i call it.. "under construction" *sniffs* im so proud..