highlight: my friend let me borrow FF10 and LotR:TTT [video game not movie] and i finally got a smaller lip ring lowlight: my lip is swollen because of the smaller lip ring :wth:
Highlight: Talking to him. He likes Taking Back Sunday. He is awesome. Lowlight: Today was so boring.
awww :hugz: highlight: laughing at a guy cause i beat him at chemistry 98% wOOt lowlight: tired all day
Highlight: I finally found out what team I am on for school. Lowlight: I'm tired and messed up on my summer reading.
Highlight - We're playing dodgeball in gym today. And I'm going to GamePest tonight (local cyber cafe) Site Lowlight - None so far
H: the week is ending...so is coming Sunday finally!! L: i'm missing someone my mom is annoying me right now the LPA is like dead right these minutes.. i'm like this, today -->
Highlight: Sleeping in, getting my homework done on time, dinner and fun times with Emily, Yuki & Jason. Lowlight: Midterms are coming and I need to catch up soon...
Highlight: Hung out with friends today after school...got my Kerry bumpersticker Lowlight: ALISHIA. Figuring out what Ashley really said to Cameron..realizing that one of my friends hates me for no apparent reason :chemist: