Highlight: HUGGED MIKE SHINODA. Okay, maybe that was LAST night, but still.. lowlight: Absolutely nothing.
highlight:: got another game for gamecube lowlight:: i might not be able to go to a church weekend retreat in late september <_< and i must spend the next three hours voting for linkin park so they'll win viewer's choice at the VMA's :chaz:
Highlight: Tiiips! Lowlight: Housekeeping. I'm sorry, but chip crumbs, LCBO bags and Kalua bottles aren't my problem. Aymay - Hiya Dollie! Send me uber sexah dread shots! Mua Mua!
Highlight: nothing Lowlight: sleeping patten sucks, me and my boyfriend got into an agruement, all my piercings ON MY FACE are infected [not a nice sight], my nipple ring surfaced [RIP], i'm hungry sorry about the whinning i haven't been having such a good day...
Highlight:I got Tickets to a british E3 thing and I got a new CD Lowlight:I have a very horrible and painful ear infection
Highlight: I got hang out with her all day Lowlight: I had to go out to a chinese and leave her Highlight: I came home and hung out with her into the night