highlight: getting up on time to get done what I need to get done lowlight: getting only 5 hours of sleep *yawns*
lowlight: fell back to sleep..have to get a ton of things done before Friday otherwise I'm screwed highlight: I don't know..
Aww, :hugz: Your highlight can be coming on the LPA boards, as sad as it may be considering your whole life & day, it's something. I always enjoy coming on here anyway.
highlight: the love and hugs lowlight: I can't decide, i know i want to but it's always the wrong time.
Highlight: Talking to Brad and finding out I can go to footy tomorrow night. Lowlight: Got a maths exam tomorrow and I heard a few things today that I wasn't ready for.
Highlight:i just found out that my best friend's dad's best friends sister's daughter's boy friend used to know Chester Bennington-so I emailed her, and she told her dad to email his best friend, who called his sister, who asked her daughter to call her boyfriend and she told him to email me, and he did-he was Scott Dowdell, one of the guys who was in "Grey Daze" with Chester, and he gave me Chester's email adress, and I emailed Chester, and asked him if he could come to the LPA sometime, and post something on the boards-AND HE EMAILED ME BACK!! He said if he had some time that he would come on and chat with all of you guys!!
like omg, I totally beleve you!!!111ones please, for the love of god, don't post crap like that again
highlight: one more schoolday passed only like 200 to go... lowlight: people in my school are mean men whores.
highlight: i finished my dreads and they're uber sexah lowlight:it's 7:15 am and i haven't spelt yet and i have to go to the piercing parlor to get my nipple checked out... and oo i think Katie's in L-O-V-E!