Your Favorite Moment of Linkin Park

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by RiderSSPU, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. #21

    ZERØ LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    So many memories over the years, but my favorite is the first time I've heard Burning In The Skies... the last chorus was so beautiful, so pure, and made me feel proud of my favorite band that tears started rolling down my face. I've never felt nothing like it before or since.
  2. #22

    Hrvman Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2010
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    Been spending my whole evening in order to masterize one of the best picture my brother took when I went to see LP with him in 2003.
    That picture with Chester on top of the platform, with the LP logo, it was epic. My best memory so far.
    I've been able to combine a few pictures in order to make is less blury. Too bad we didn't have in 2003 the camera we have today ...

    The picture, before and after remastering it.
    DSC01773.JPG Sans titre-2.jpg
    Krizlinkin and RiderSSPU like this.
  3. #23

    Erica Meh LPA Über VIP

    Sep 3, 2010
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    Me and my best friend at the time volunteered to help the Music for Relief booth when they toured A Thousand Suns. They put us in the front row when the show started. FB_IMG_1500733915233.jpg
  4. #24
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Awww ❤️
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  5. #25

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    That's super cool!
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  6. #26

    Erica Meh LPA Über VIP

    Sep 3, 2010
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    It was awesome. They told us we earned more money than any other stop so far. The band was on point too.
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  7. #27

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    I remember listening to LP everyday in the backyard after school. Just watching the sunset while listening to HT, M and MTM was an experience for an 8th grader. It was my coping mechanism. I had a swing set in the yard, and I'd just hop on it and listen to LP for hours. Even in the winter, I needed to do it. LOL frostbite hands didn't matter. I needed to swing and listen to LP.

    When I was 14, LT came out. While my least favorite LP album, seeing this forum trying to do the puzzles before Burn It Down dropped was exhilarating. And I can't describe that feeling when I finally downloaded the album to a shitty MP3 player. I stood outside in the evening and hearing Lost In The Echo for the first time was.....mindblowing.

    The epic, expansive opening, Mike's greatest delivery on a song imo, and Chester's insanely infectious hook made me cry. The song is probably my favorite LP song to date and, for that song alone, I am happy LT exists.

    THP lead up was too exciting. GATS came out of nowhere like a flash, and I was shocked. LP making heavy music? 5 minutes? Rakim?! HOLY SHIT! I didn't like the song much but the ambition shocked me. Until It's Gone dropped and, unlike a lot of people, the song was the first LP song since ATS to have an emotional connection with me. The second verse especially was so uplifting. One of my favorite verses from Chester.

    The album itself was so much fun and I really enjoy it today. The band has been the only artist from my pre-teen/teen years to have stayed with me. I can't outgrow them and I don't want to. They made me appreciate music and made me love writing.

    Thank you, LP. And thank you, Chester.
    Krizlinkin, Erica and RiderSSPU like this.
  8. #28

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Really cool story, thanks for sharing!

    I'm actually listening to Lost in the Echo as I read this. My favorite song from LT and my 6th favorite LP song of all time so I totally resonate with that. When the song came out, I was actually annoyed that it wasn't the first single and that it didn't get a proper music video because it could have been massive hit I feel. I felt LP lost touch with good promotion after ATS
    Deliveranze likes this.
  9. #29

    Anne married to the ocean LPA VIP

    Sep 8, 2010
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    There are a couple of favorite moments.

    My first Linkin Park concert was 2009 in Zurich, and two days later I went to see them again in Stuttgart. I've met some amazing guys from both america and germany in Zurich, and we bumped into each other again in Stuttgart. I've won a M&G, and after waiting all day with the other fans, a friend of mine and I went to meet the band. Mark from LPL had asked us to request "Reading my Eyes", which I did, stuttering and cursing horribly in front of Mike. It was embarrassing, but also awesome, because the guys were so sweet and patient with me. Mike ended up saying he'd had an idea and he'd do something along those lines, and it actually happened during the concert. I was so high on adrenaline, the concert was just amazing (it was outdoor, on top of that, and the whole atmosphere just blew my mind.)

    Afterwards we spent the night at the train station, I had the sunburn of my life (imagine a tomato, just worse), but it was so worth it.

    My other favorite moment was during the Summit in Hamburg. They played some songs in an acoustic version - The Messenger, and for the first time, I think, Rolling in the deep. It was such an intimate moment, I'll never forget that.
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  10. #30

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Thank you for reading! :)

    Yeah, definitely! Honestly, it's the only time I've been REALLY frustrated with promotion of their singles. The video isn't terrible (GATS deserves that award) but it's so underwhelming for a song that had every check marked for a successful song.
  11. #31

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Yeah, I get that they wanted to do something different with the music video but they shouldn't have done it with that song.

    If I was in charge of Living Things I would have made Lost in the Echo the first single with a music video similar to In the End but up to date. Then the second single would have been Burn it Down also having a proper music video. Living Things sold a lot for its time, but I feel it could have even sold way more if done right. I would have kept Castle of Glass as the 3rd single, so I do felt like they got the single choices correctly, just handled them badly.
  12. #32

    StrictlyJohnD Go Texans & Rockets!

    Jul 23, 2017
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    All seven album releases. The day when HT, M, MTM, ATS, LT, THP, and OML each dropped was like Christmas.
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  13. #33
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Honestly, just listening to them before or after something stressful like school, work, a fight or argument, a sad time... those were the best moments
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  14. #34

    chris2 Smiling At Strangers On Trains LPA Super Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    I still remeber the feeling seeing the In The End Video on MTV back in 2001 for the first time (must've been late 2001)
    I knew about LP before, since my older cousin kept repeatedly telling me about this awesome new band he just had discovered.
    However listening to In The End on TV was my first exposure to their actual music. I was like "Oh that's the new band my cousins been telling me about"
    I was competely blown away. Having only listened to pop music prior to that experience, It was something else. I had never heard anything like that before.
    I begged my mum to drive me to the CD shop to get the single and a few days later we did exactly that. For weeks it was the only thing I would ever listen to.
    I later got the Papercut single (I saw its video on MTV, too) and 2/3 weeks later I bought the full HT album. I was hooked ever since!
    Now the In The End and Papercut maxi singles, my first two LP purchases ever, hold the most sentimental value out of all the items I have in my LP collection.
    Both have the music video and additional live tracks.
  15. #35

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    I can't exactly remember how I heard of LP and bought HT but my favourite moments are first related to that album and how it pulled me out of really dark times of my life. I'd sit on a couch or lie in bed, put on headphones and the world didn't exist for me. It was as if they were speaking instead of me since none of my so called friends really cared. Chester's beautiful and powerful voice would fill me in with some hope there's still beauty in the world and if he could've coped with everything so could I. If I was feeling really bad HT and Meteora were played round the clock.
    The second moment was my first concert in Italy, I was so excited and got goosebumps when the first song began playing. It was surreal, jumping and singing with crowd and LP, losing my voice.
    My third favourite moment was this year's concert in Budapest when I also met the band. When one of the crew members came out and started explaining what would happen, I remember thinking "I can't do this, can't meet them, I'll just go out", they made me feel like a teenager again. When Mike and Chester came to meet us I forgot my name and how to speak English, nothing mattered at that moment. If I knew this was the last time to see them, I'd have asked them for a hug :( The concert was even better than the one in Italy, they made a true show, such positive energy and people singing out loud, jumping and shouting at the end that even Chester mouthed to Mike "This is amazing".
    So many great memories left, never to be repeated :(
  16. #36
    Forfeit to Break

    Forfeit to Break Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    There is so much, it's difficult to have one specific moment.

    The feeling I got when listening to the band, the way the music and lyrics resonated with me, felt so personal level and was like a soundtrack to my life. The band were a comfort in dark times as they were something that always made me happy and gave me something to look forward to with each new release, new merchandise or future show I knew I could go to. I only ever got to see them twice, Milton Keynes 08 and at the O2 arena earlier this month, but both times were amongst the best moments of my life. Nothing has beaten the exhilaration I felt at those shows.

    Another very memorable time was the excitement when I heard Breaking The Habit was going to be a single, the artwork, the fantastic anime video and the fact that they were releasing what at that time was the most special track in my life as a single gave me goosebumps every time the video came up on TV, or it was played on radio. I wanted everyone who didn't know the band to hear it, and it being out there like that as a single made it more possible. I remember showing it to my girlfriend at the time who didn't ever realise how deep and amazing LP actually could be until she saw that and heard the context of that song.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
    Krizlinkin likes this.
  17. #37
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    I remember an exciting moment for me was seeing In the End chart on TRL back in the day. This symbolized to me that Lp had become one of the biggest bands
    Christøffer and Krizlinkin like this.
  18. #38
    A Wretched King

    A Wretched King Foreword

    Sep 2, 2010
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    Favorite LP moment had to have been listening to them for the first time. The alarm on my old school radio clock went off and One Step Closer happened to be playing on the rock station that morning. I was like....WHO IS THIS. Sounded like nothing I had ever heard before. Later that year I got Hybrid Theory for XMAS. This was in 7th grade I believe. I remember putting the cd in my stereo and just letting it play. I knew I had discovered my new favorite band. Papercut was the best album opener. Then With You played and I couldnt believe how awesome it was and I hadnt even got to One Step Closer yet.
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  19. #39

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I thought of another one:

    Back in Jr. High, specifically 7the grade when Minutes to Midnight came out, I would bring my ipod to school and during lunch and breaks one of my close friends and I would each take a ear bud and listen to Minutes to Midnight together.

    Just a cool little memory that I will never forget. I'm still really close with this friend now so it's definitely something I won't forget.

    I remember doing the same with A Thousand Suns in 10th grade but instead of daily we only did that once, when it first came out.
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  20. #40
    Slash Stradlin

    Slash Stradlin Guns N' Roses

    Aug 3, 2010
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    My music project was on Linkin Park, so that was pretty cool.
    Krizlinkin likes this.

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