Does anyone else here have their own band? If so what is the name and what type of music do you play? Band : 'The Band' Style : Punk (pretty dark though..........)
I used to have a band before LinkiN Park came on the street We had a fusion of stuff...but then...we saw LP....we were good...but they kinda discouraged us, because, we didn't want to get large and then be in the shadow of them.... We might get together again in the future...but it was scary how similair we were to LP... I was the EMCEE/Vocalist and I did samples and was basically the glue in the band (dayam close to what Mike S. does). We had a DJ, guitarist, Drummer, Bassist, and our guitarist was the vocalist. But...yeah...
I'm the vocalist in "Contrast Control", and we play Nu Metal. We just do it for fun, nothing serious.
Band: Anarchy Music: Just like LP with rock/rap mixes, some are just rap, and and some just rock. My position is Keyboardist, and Guitarist. I also wrote a few songs.