Just came across this interesting article / interview from madlyjuicy.com and thought I'd get your thoughts on Xtatic Line, simply because of the associations with Linkin Park people are making. This is the first I've heard of him really. [youtube]hyRx2dqmfRo[/youtube] Full album tracks: http://www.xtaticline.com/
Seriously dude sounds like a kid. His voice hasn't even cracked it. And musically it sounds like someone trying hard to emulate LP (HT/Reanimation/Meteora) but falling short.
I can hear so much cheesy MIDI sounds and corny vocals/lyrics. This shows that even the Hybrid Theory/Meteora eras are difficult to copy without making it sound really corny. These guys, although they aren't terrible, are doing this too late.
Ha. Hahahahahaha. Sounds like a particularly less self-aware Hollywood Undead. Sorry friend, but a white guy rapping about his feelings over techno before some crunchy 7 strings pop in isn't exactly the elements for "the next Linkin Park".
There will be no next Linkin Park. Sorry. And gotta agree with Agent O, sounds like a kid. Huge turnoff.
I'm telling you right now... DUDE USED TO BE TERRRRRRIBLEEEEEEE I remember making a diss track with a Harry Potter sample in 05 lol. A somewhat old friend of Mike thought it was the most hilarious shit ever. He's a lot better now. I think his shit sounds average, but hey, more power to him for getting some publicity. Funny enough, he's latino and not white
Ah, I forget that Americans have a different view of what "white" is than most. For example, White people from Argentina aren't considered white over here.
I used the term "white guy rapping" only because of his subpar, "generic feelings" approach to it. I had no idea if he was actually a caucasian individual or not. He's still not that great though.
Amen. The dude must've got tones of views on his YouTube video just by the mere (and lame attempt of) comparison to LP. Way too much credit.
This sounds more of a mix of P.O.D. and Hollywood Undead. Yeah, I've heard them before this. I don't like either P.O.D. or Hollywood Undead so I'll pass on these guys.