Xbox One

Discussion in 'The Living Room' started by Serious Dave, May 21, 2013.

  1. #61

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Guess you didn't see the big all-encompassing Xbox One thread? *shakes head*

  2. #62

    hawk because the internet LPA Super VIP

    Apr 1, 2010
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    lol ... sony stock on up, microsoft stock on down. what the fuck is going on over at microsoft hq?
  3. #63

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Posts like these don't lead to productive discussion. Please contribute to the discussion with well-reasoned arguments, and refrain from trolling or derailing the thread.

    Sony definitely got the jump. It would not surprise me in the least to see Microsoft change their policies on used gaming and always-on before release to reflect what the PS4 offers. I personally haven't bought/sold a used game in 5+ years and my console has not been unplugged from my room (and router) since I bought it, but clearly these are issues for other gamers.

    To me, Microsoft took a more ambitious, yet riskier route with the Xbox One, by making their product a home entertainment system that plays games rather than a gaming console that provides other home entertainment options (PS4). Microsoft wants to take over your living room and declare war on the remote control. By doing so, they packed more features and more peripherals into their console, which bumps up the price.

    All this being said, as a gamer, there are no PS4-exclusive games that would make me want to switch allegiances from the One to the PS4. NHL14, Halo, Call of Duty, Titanfall, The Division, & Watch Dogs are all titles I'm excited for and all games which will be available for the One.

    I'm excited about the home entertainment possibilities the One promises, and the games that are coming out for the console, and have yet to come across a feature of the One which could be considered a deal-breaker.

    All things considered, the PS4 looks promising and there's really nothing that would prevent me from buying that console either aside from the fact I don't need that AND a One. But I'm a pretty low-maintenance, online multiplayer games-only type of gamer.
  4. #64

    hawk because the internet LPA Super VIP

    Apr 1, 2010
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    the policies don't necessarily affect me either, but i just question them in general. i can understand the used games policy, i honestly couldn't give a fuck about that because as a pc gamer, the same thing applies to steam. it's the idea that the console has to be connected the internet every 24 hours ... just ... just why? it doesn't make sense. i seems silly to me, and very unnecessary.

    microsoft definitely took the more ambitious, riskier route that's for sure, but it seems like they're trying to compete with themselves. at this point, the xbox one is a cheap, yet very good window 8 computer that cannot be upgraded and juiced with advertisements. i don't see why it would want to take over my remote, because for me and my two brothers, we only ever touch the remote to turn on the television to play games. :lol: but that's just us. haha.

    exclusives never really get me either. a singular exclusive will never grab enough, there'd need to be many, many exclusives to make me even think about it so i don't blame you for not seeing the value in switching at all at this point. the possibilities of the one are great, yeah, especially when it comes to that halo live-action series and what-not, but i'm sure they'll make their way to my computer.

    the only reason i find more value in the playstation right now is because: i don't have a job so things like xbox live and what-not aren't very appealing, and i'd get a console to play games anyway, i'm happy watching movies and what-not on my laptop.
  5. #65
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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  6. #66
    Serious Dave

    Serious Dave Fighter of the Nightman

    May 25, 2012
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    Sony really are just saying ''fuck you, Microsoft'' now.

  7. #67

    MKH That's wharrrt it is LPA Super VIP

    Apr 29, 2010
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    They even admitted to not showing a console at their February conference - something about not wanting to show their goods first so MS could outdo them. Well, good job, Sony, you also made a two-tone box, but someone didn't glue the pieces on straight.

    I'm honestly a bit turned off by these bad taste Japanese and Korean "business" moves by directly attacking the competition: first Samsung has to directly make fun of the iPhone to boost its S3 and S4 sales, and now Sony just can't sell their own product without taking these jabs.

    I'm disgusted that people willingly fork over $400 to $500 for the box that runs games, but then people cheap out when it comes to the games themselves, the actual content you bought the box for in the first place. "Supporting the dev" doesn't mean you've got one friend who buys games and the rest of you borrow them from him. Note, this is just my personal opinion.

    I completely understand why MS is doing what they're doing, it's just sadly going to fail to the PS4 because the mass majority of consumers, apparently, don't make games themselves and so they think it doesn't require effort or deserve merit in paycheck form.

    Total agreement with all in red.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2013
  8. #68


    Jul 28, 2010
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    That's just like, your opinion, man.

    I'm a Mac and I'm a PC. This is nothing new and you're only annoyed because your side was the victim. RACIST

    I despise the used game market. Companies like Gamestop and Game have been making a killing on it with developers not seeing any of the money. People lending games and selling from personal Amazon and ebay accounts is minuscule compared to what these big corporations are doing. People don't like the fact that they are having their consumer rights taken away from them when corporations like Gamestop are the issue.

    Enjoy this:

    They need to find a better way to deal with this issue. Taking consumer rights away from people because the corporations are stealing the money from publishers and developers is stupid and MS will get what's coming to them for not thinking properly.

    Removed: Let's keep this civil.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2013
  9. #69

    MKH That's wharrrt it is LPA Super VIP

    Apr 29, 2010
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    I did say it was my I know people think the PS4 looks sleek, and that's fine, I just don't.

    I'm not annoyed that it happened, it's their business, I just think it's in bad taste is all. I like when a creator shows confidence in their product without mentioning "the other guy". Also, if you have to invisible tag it, you probably shouldn't say it - Sony is a Japanese company, and Samsung is a Korean company, and no one is denying Samsung goes out of their way to attack Apple in their ads, nor obviously that Sony directly responded to every concern made with the Xbox One to help sell PS4. Look at any of Jesse's posts post-PS4 reveal and see the average consumer boast the lack of restrictions on the PS4 that the Xbox One imposes - that's great for Sony to have done, but like I said, just in bad taste for that used games video.

    Agreed on the used game market. I'm sure developers everywhere were thrilled to see their games will make a huge profit on PS4.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2013
  10. #70

    Broman Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    The LPA community has always been one to have different opinions from a grand amount of other internet users (mainly using LP as an example seeing how many of us prefer their newer Alternative sound compared to the other thousands to millions of fans that want Nu-Metal back). That being said, I've read a fair share of comments ranging from youtube members to redditor's opinions and it is clear that the world has a vendetta with Xbox One while LPA members seem faithful to the abortive box. With that comment in itself, I believe I've shown my opinion towards the matter at hand and I could list the reasons as to why the xbox one will fail, but Jesse has already provided the necessary feedback demonstrating it's negative aspects, I just will never understand why some of you foolishly continue to defend this defective piece of machinery.
  11. #71

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    lol m$ needs 2 get there DRM situashun handeled b4 ne thing else. its less abt dem havin a riskier route & moar of da way dey r communicatin' w/ da gamers. i.e., dey rnt. its a 1 way street were dey say "u want dis" rather den wat sony did & listened 2 dere users.
  12. #72


    Jul 28, 2010
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    It is by means a defective piece of machinery. It can still play games and do many things and that's what many people want, such as MKH and Mark. The faults with the system aren't an issue for them, unlike most gamers, so to them the system is perfect/satisfactory/etc.

    I don't join into these warring conversations on the internet like Reddit because I'd like to believe that if a company does something stupid with their product, they will fail and the better product will prevail.

    In this case, the Xbox is the "inferior" console and I'm wholly expecting it to under perform.

    tl;dr Microsoft can do whatever the fuck they want with the Xbox and if it under performs as a consequence it can go die naturally.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2013
  13. #73

    MKH That's wharrrt it is LPA Super VIP

    Apr 29, 2010
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    I don't think it's foolish that none of these "negative aspects" affect me. I don't buy used games, nor do I sell my games back - it's just a personal thing, honestly. Within my friends circle, I'm not the one that borrows games, nor loans them out - to be honest, I never even get asked just because of how meticulous I am about my stuff, so my friends don't even bother asking.

    That's why I'm fine with the Xbox One.

    I "defend" what MS is doing because it helps developers retain profit for their work, instead of rewarding GameStop for ripping off those who trade-in.

    It shouldn't have to be said, but just so it's clear, these are just my opinions - not trying to sway anyone one way or the other, but you said you didn't get how people like me can defend the Xbox One, and this is why.

    I am in no way implicating I think the Xbox One is better than the PS4 or vice-versa, but for my beliefs about devs getting paid for their work and all that jazz, I respect what the Xbox One is doing more. I'd like to get my hands on one to see how smooth all the bonus features are, but overall I like that it does it all it does plus gaming.

    Plus, as Mark, I believe, stated earlier, there aren't any PS4 exclusives that would make me root for it over the Xbox One - on the other hand, Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, and Dead Rising 3 are 3 titles that I can't stay away from, and obviously Halo 5.

    In terms of who's going to sell better, I'm not blind or stubborn enough to deny Sony will win there, and that's easily because 99% of gamers don't have our mentality, which is fine.

    This is what I'm talking about:


    1. The people who buy the game.
    2. The people who sell the game.
    3. The people who didn't make the game.

    Forget the people who actually worked to make the damn thing.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2013
  14. #74

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    The used game market is huge in videogames. Especially to casual games.

    Get rid of used games, get rid of less video game sales
  15. #75

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    since da argument abt used games is being shifted toward da developers..., im friends w/ da community manager 4 robot entertainment, da company responsible 4 orcs must die. hes also a former employee of m$ & EA. heres wat he sed abt da whole thing:

  16. #76
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    I know I said I was done with this topic, but since I also said if it was brought back up I'd add more.

    There's this thing called the first sale doctrine. It has been an established part of our culture for a long while. We can resale our audio CD's, our books, our cars, our computers, every other electronic device, everything... and now they want to stop the sale of psychical media discs? How is it not greedy to expect to be paid a multiple of times for one sale? Pure digital sales are at least understandable, how do you even decide the value of such a thing? But when you have a psychical disc, that can be decreased in value over time and say "lulwut, no. No sale!" That is just anti-consumer. If publishers want more money they should sell the game for cheaper and sale more copies, or sell the game for slightly more money, do not fuck up and alienate your costumers by voiding the first sale doctrine.

    Also, having more restrictions means that people are going to be more eager to try to find a way to circumvent them, meaning hackers and tech enthusiasts are going to spend a hell of a lot of time trying to disable the DRM and when they do piracy will be more rampant than it ever was before, especially on the Xbox One. Right now, piracy is virtually non-existent on the PS3, for example. That says a lot in itself.

    For example, Apple used to sell their mp3s on itunes with DRM but they saw that the DRMed music was pirated much more so than the same music without it. Apple doesn't sell that type of MP3 anymore. Think about that.
  17. #77

    MKH That's wharrrt it is LPA Super VIP

    Apr 29, 2010
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    Personally, I hope what with all this moving to cloud-based services, 8th-generation consoles follow the Apple OS X release model and move to only digital downloads. Games can be sold for less without the production cost of making physical discs, and the used game market can finally bite the dust.

    I already hate GameStop as is for opening brand new games and stuffing the discs into envelopes and then I pay full price for an opened cover and to have the disc handed to me. Invest in some locked shelves, or shave off a few dollars. If Amazon can save me 15% on brand new releases WITH free shipping, it's ridiculous these folks can get away with $59.99 + tax for far from "brand new" condition games.
  18. #78

    sotrix @lplive

    Apr 7, 2010
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    A great explanation for why Xbox One uses online DRM is here.

    Something about the console I don't quite understand: since the only way to watch live TV is via an HDMI feed from a cable box, how exactly does Kinect change channels with voice commands?
  19. #79

    MKH That's wharrrt it is LPA Super VIP

    Apr 29, 2010
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    I'm about to read your DRM article, but on the switching - I currently have an HDMI splitter that automatically switches between my FiOS TV box, my Xbox, and my Blu-Ray player whenever I turn them on. The TV is the default one, and then turning on my Xbox auto-switches it to that, and then Blu-Ray - turning off my Xbox and/or Blu-Ray returns me to my TV without any cable swapping.

    I imagine the Kinect 2.0 voice commands work in a similar fashion, because my splitter does have a button for manual switching - the voice commands must trigger that "manual" switch.

    After reading that post in your link, I'm going to have to bookmark it, tweet about it, share it on Facebook and Medium, and read it all over again. There's so much civil intelligence and understanding for the business in that post, I have actually lightly ejaculated. I am personally sick of this "why do things cost money" mentality - it's a service, and you pay for services.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2013
  20. #80

    sotrix @lplive

    Apr 7, 2010
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    But as the "Input One" advertising emphasizes, there is a single HDMI feed for TV: Cable box -> Xbox One -> HDTV.

    The only way to change channels that I know of is to make the cable box switch signals (using the cable box remote), which obviously changes the video/audio feed sent out via HDMI to the Xbox.

    During the Microsoft press conference they made it seem like the Xbox One can switch channels directly. How? Is it technically possible to send such a command using the HDMI cable? Are all cable boxes compatible?

    The Xbox not supporting CableCard (like TiVo does) makes no sense. I don't even have cable and won't be using the TV features but this is just baffling me.

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