"WOW!" Tracklisting!

Discussion in 'News' started by Omar, Mar 27, 2007.

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  1. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    That's okay.

    I don't think you should keep concerning yourself with what people are saying. From all your posts, you seem to be getting annoyed, and more annoyed by the post. I think you should try to just ignore it. But maybe I didn't read ahead far enough before quoting.

    It's not that. It's the fact that a 30-minute album is boring and gets old after a while. If an album's considerably longer than 30 minutes, there's a better chance you won't get tired of it so quickly. Most (read: some) punk albums are 30 minutes long or shorter, and they get boring as all hell really quickly. But some of the better albums out there, the ones that exceed 50 minutes in length, tend not to get boring, because there's more to listen to, even if there are still only 12 tracks.

    I'm just happy we're finally getting new music, period.

    Like I said above: it's not that it won't be worth it, it's that we want to hear more than 30 minutes of music after four years. If it doesn't keep your attention for longer than that, then there's a good chance that Linkin Park fucked up and totally didn't think the album out the way we thought. But if it's longer than that, around 45-50 minutes, and you CAN keep your attention the whole way through, then you can surely say that they knew what they were doing. But if it's only 30 minutes long, you'll get bored of it more quickly, because there's less to listen to.

    I agree, actually. I can't see it being longer than 45-50 minutes, at the most. But those extra 15-20 minutes can make a huge difference.

    Like I said above: it's not that it'll be bad if it's short, it's that we want more after four years. It's upsetting when some bands put out four quality and unforgettable albums in the time it takes Linkin Park to put out two.
  2. kittycat

    kittycat Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2007
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    Of course 14-15 songs would be wonderful, but I really don't care about the length of the album. I just hope there'll be at least 12 decent songs which I'll enjoy listening to (for the nex 4-5 years until the next album :lol: ).
  3. Colonel Sanders

    Colonel Sanders Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    Your probably right though. It will be around a year and a half when LP stops with the videos and touring. Chester solo material will arrive. I say we might get Linkin Parks 4th studio album by then end of the decade.
  4. The_Cool_Cow

    The_Cool_Cow Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2005
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    In my opinion, that would really suck. I really think that LP should speed up the time it takes them to make albums. I mean, I know that it takes time to make a great album, but come on, MCR managed to make 3 albums between 2004 and 2006. One of them was amazing (I did not hear Three Cheers, or Bullets). In that same amount of time, LP released one album, which was not amazing. Im just saying that while quality takes time, it does not have to take as much time as LP are taking.

    In regards to the tracklisting, im kind of upset that its only 12 songs long, but as long as there is not intro/outro I will be fine (if there is a Foreward type song, I will not be fine). However, this is not the final track listing, so im not going to get really upset yet.
  5. Zakrisk

    Zakrisk Smoke weed.

    Nov 19, 2004
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    If it takes that long I wonder if we'll even get one.
  6. lpdaniel

    lpdaniel Daniel

    Jul 21, 2006
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    only 12
    i think that just the cd
    there should be some more like hidden track
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