Definitely 09847290381653651891357!!!!!! Would you rather have a split personality or a triple-split personality?
umm.. thats hard!!!!!! well, i guess in the mood im in now i'd listen to Hybrid Theory.. would you rather have an afro or be bald??
Erm... I'd say 21 . (But I'd prefer 18, here we can do anything at 18 ) Would you rather take the plane or the boat?
age right now.. the future scares me... would you rather keep sniffling constantly in a quiet room with lots of pepole OR blow your nose once to let it all out..?? B)
I guess sniffing constantly. Would you rather go to a concert featuring your favorite band with no AC on a 105 degree day, or go to a concert featuring the band that you least like the most, but in a comfortable, cool concert hall?
definately a spider.. especially since it has happend before.. would you rather be depressed or be angry??
well, I'm a chick.. but to be a dude, then I can pie standing up, that's a plus!! Wouls you rather kick Bart or Homer??
Homer because he'd be too drunk to do anything about it ^^...either that or he'd be eating donuts and be too preoccupied. Would you rather lose all your teeth or all your hair?
hair, that's grows back and teeth don't... I think.. Would you rather go to the store or go to the mall??
The mall...because it has more than ONE store...? Would you rather walk in late to class or walk in stoned, but on time, to class?