Twitter seems so lame compared to Facebook. The only cool thing is that you can see into the lives of the famous. Though I'm not sure why those stars can't just have a Facebook page and have status updates.
Exactly. Twitter is just Facebook except without the millions of additional features. Sure, FB could be more organized but once you get used to it it's easily better than Twitter.
I prefer Twitter myself. If I need to tell people what's on my mind I limit myself to 140 characters.
Facebook's status updates are just being used like tweets. They weren't originally designed for that, they were meant to be more akin to MySpace's status updates (if any of you remember those) but the users have decided otherwise so the divide becomes a little smaller and everyone's all "OMFG, facebook and twitter are the sames!" So, when you take that into account when wondering whether your hypothetical thirteen-year-old should use social networking sites, the difference is all in how they decide to use them rather than the inherent functionality of the sites.
I think a more relevant question is would I let my Facebook have a 13 year old. And the answer is no. Also, I wouldn't have a 13 year old, once their that age you can't treat them like your worthless peasant and have them do your bidding for you and they become USELESS. but on a more serious note. I wouldn't have a kid, thus no Facebook.
Facebook is a whole fuckload cleaner and safer than the rest of the internet... So if you're letting them on the internet, yes, let them have facebook.
Haven't you kids written a text message? Translation: Myspace made use of bulletins, as far as my experience went, whereas Facebook used comments and such.
I don’t see a problem with this. It totally depends on the child and his/her ability to understand how to stay safe online. My little brother has had Facebook since he was 10 years old, he’s a smart kid and knows not to add strangers and how to maintain privacy. This is a good idea but kids have smart phones to access the internet these days too. So yeah, I think a 13 year old is old enough to understand how to stay safe online. Privacy settings FTW.
13? Oh c'mon.. that's nothing compared to 7 year old kids. Believe me, they all have Facebook, and their parents are fine with it. And they're all updating their statuses daily. Not to mention little girls that are still in primary school with half-naked pics. Not acceptable. So, that's a *NO* to Facebook users under 15 yrs.
Of course I'd let my 13 year old use Facebook. How else could he keep track of where your mother is and how much she owes him?