Wait so does this leave us with LPU stuff? Jesse already said he hates Across the line and I guess dedicated has been brought up once? Come on people, talk about how you hate some demos so we can end this thing.
If some of the worst Linkin Park songs ever are among the LPU exclusives, then, tell us which ones so we can all continue to be on the same page
Nah, don't want to be like that, I deleted it. I think I just want all LP songs on that list because too many good songs are on it I'm surprised the radiance isn't already because I'm pretty sure I've heard a lot of people bitch about it
LP is awful, I only like One Step Closer because I like to pretend I'm yelling at all the mean bullies and it tells my mad feelings. Make more mad songs Linking Pork!
this is so hard because i never tought of any bad songs cause i really like them all. but if i have to choose a linkin park song that sucks it would be nobodys listening