That is really interesting, as the poll results are much more sympathetic to the US than I would have thought. I think there are some major flaws in some questions too. The question of whether "The US democracy remains the democracy to model" is very ironic. US is a democracy, but rather the neo-liberal definition of it. Where business has all the influence, where public opinions and debates are limited in variety and few in number, respectively; and where the government is used to funnel public money to private interests and to follow the interests of big business in manners of foreign affairs. This is mainly through intervention of states that aren't cooperating with their model of free trade and huge consumtion of resources. And the question where they are asked whether invading Iraq "is making a contribution to the war on terrorism", it is so vague that I could say yes, because its making a negative contribution to it. Polling can be biased as its all in how pollers ask the questions
Exactly. The question could mean the US are contributing to the terror, or contributing in fighting against it. Vaguely asked question, indeed.
i don't think other countries have heard the rumor that bush is dyslexic, or maybe they do and they want to sabotage us.
Interesting, but don't forget that polls are often innacturate. Like it's been said, it'll all about the way the questions are asked, what the choice options are, and who's being asked. For example, if it was only Yes/No questions, that doesn't say much.
Not stupid, because if your stupid you don't just become the president of the United Sates of America. But i'd ahve to say he is dumb/ unintelligent, if you don't believe me watch the last 10 seconds of farenheit 9/11.