Wut up, dog? I'm maybe dumb but I ain't be bein' stupid!!! Wut homophobic language I be usin'? Wut does "homophobic" mean? :angry:
Using the word "Gay", as you're describing something to be homosexual. You use it in a way which makes you sound like you're using it in a negative way. ...Nevermind, I'm not going to waste my time with this. This'll probably get closed, as well.
Homophobic is using the word "gay" in a negative connotation. Don't do it again. And PM me next time, don't make a public thread. Closed.
Don't use the word gay unless you're talking about someone who is really gay. Never, ever use the word fag(got) and don't call something fruit unless you're talking about something that grows on a tree or vine that can be bought in a grocery store. Don't say queer either