No. For anything to exist, something in this universe had to be infinite. In a Christian view, God is that infinite force from which everything stemmed. Whether you believe in God or not, you must concede to the logic that SOMEthing in this universe is infinite. If nothing was infinite, nothing can exist.
No. For anything to exist, something in this universe had to be infinite. In a Christian view, God is that infinite force from which everything stemmed. Whether you believe in God or not, you must concede to the logic that SOMEthing in this universe is infinite. If nothing was infinite, nothing can exist. [/b][/quote] Exactly. It's the same way for my beliefs as well. When looking at the scientific explanation of the universe, science says all matter across space was at one time part of one small volume. For an unknown reason, this volume exploded, spreading matter throughout. But the question is "where did the volume come from?". So yes, an infinite ideal is needed.
Exactly. It's the same way for my beliefs as well. When looking at the scientific explanation of the universe, science says all matter across space was at one time part of one small volume. For an unknown reason, this volume exploded, spreading matter throughout. But the question is "where did the volume come from?". So yes, an infinite ideal is needed. [/b][/quote] i'm not saying there isn't a higher power but i mean why is it this so called "god"? why does this higher power have to have a name
I believe in God, because it's better than believing in nothing. No, i'm not trying to piss people off, it's just my opinion.
I'm not sure if I'm athiest or just agnostic or whatever. I just dont like religion. To me, religion creates a justification for ignorance. Some examples are The KKK, Gay Marrage, Homosexuality in general, The Death Penalty, Evolution, Science... the list goes on. I dont think I need to explain, we all pretty much know the issues. Oh yeah, I dont go to church. I see no point in it. Another thing, one person brought up a good point. "God is not responsible for our mistakes , but then why do some people think hes responsible for our sucesses and achievements? " (DJHahn I believe)
i'm not saying there isn't a higher power but i mean why is it this so called "god"? why does this higher power have to have a name [/b][/quote] Dude, you're not making any sense. If this higher being didn't have a would you call it anything? If ANYthing didn't have a name, how would you know what it is, because you wouldn't be able to refer to it. Names are just words used to represent a thing or idea.
wow, you use some serious generalizations. first of all, who are you to be the speaker for people? not all latinos think like you nor do all athiests think the way you believe they do. ive never used that excuse as how god doesnt exist. another thing, about that god/devil/job story, god did all that stuff to him just to prove a point to the devil. how awesomely caring is god? sorry if that came off as rude, but, whatever. and im an athiest. [/b][/quote] In that story Job has 10 kids that God kills and then he gives him new children. What kind of a person would be happy with that?
You could say I'm Christian, I'm baptized and went to church when I was younger, but really don't have the time for it anymore. I am interested in religon, but I think that it should be more of a moral code than anything. The Bible was written by man with prejudices and bias like everyone else, as you can see through the racism in its pages. This contradicts God's message, so obviously there its not just God's word. Besides, there are so many religons, who are we to force ours on other people (and our kids??). I think that all religions have the basic belief of a creator for a reason, because humanity has always wanted to answer questions they can't answer. Obviously we can't know how the universe was created, so thats how religions came to being, but the religion varies according to where it originated. But while religion has done lots of bad there are SO MANY good things that religion can of all is bring a great sense of community, something we lack more and more now I think.
Catholic Church condemns racism and homophobia (although we are teached that homosexuality is wrong, we tolerate homosexuals, and also with people from other religions we have that rule). I explained my views about evolution before, and science can go as far as it can, but without attempting to the life of human beings (abortion, embryonic cells, clonation, etc.). Yeah, the Catholic Bible was finished over 2000 years ago, so now is more like a moral code. We can't force other people to follow our beliefs, but all Catholic parents should try and make his son/daughter a Catholic (and if he doesn't want to, and is mature enough to make that decision, let it go). And, of course, Christ sent us to love each other, so God wants us to be together in love...we are missing that so much right now. I told you, he gave him everything back and more, and if not, as I just said, the Bible is more like a moral code right now, you don't have to follow it word by word, the main lesson in that story is that maybe we have the crappiest life in the world, but we get our prize when we get to heaven.
interesting.......what is that exactly? [/b][/quote] Orthodox Christian Church was born in 1054, in what used to be the Bizantine Empire (or Eastern Roman Empire, based in Constantinopolis, now Istanbul, occupied the Eastern Mediterranean zone). The official religion of the empire was Catholic, but in 1054 the leader of the church in Constantinopolis had a disagreement with the Pope and broke up the relashionship with him, so they separated. The empire would collapse in 1453 (Turkish Muslims conquered it), but the religion remained, mostly in Eastern Europe, especially Greece and Russia. There aren't any teological differences with Catholicism, but the rituals I think are different, and now they hold good relations with Rome and the Pope. If I'm wrong, forgive me, I don't know a lot about it either.