What movies did you recently watch?

Discussion in 'The Living Room' started by Hybrid Soldier, Jun 29, 2003.

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  1. Snail

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    ^ I'd rather sit through Episodes 1 - 3 first. If I find myself having a good experience with Episodes 4 - 6, I'm almost certain my curiousity would get the best of me anyway.
  2. Jeff

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    I dunno, suit yourself :lol:


    The King's Speech - 9/10
    The Fighter - 7.9/10
  3. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Léon - 8/10

    Fucking fantastic. Also has a young, hot Natalie Portman in it :pedobear:
  4. Snail

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    One of my favourite scenes in the movie is Gary Oldman's inkling of seeming 'human' around the end of the film.

    Currently 40 minutes into Star Wars Episode 2. For Fuck sake, there is not one character that is likable here. Lucas sure did a great job painting Anakin as nothing more than a crybaby with a loaded gun.
  5. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Clerks - 10/10

    Some of the best dialogue I've ever come across. This is the 2nd time I've seen it, and this time might have been better even. So many lol moments. Script is really basic, yet good, too.
  6. Agent

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (1996) - A documentary that covers the trials of the three teens who were accused of Satanic ritualistic murders of three 8-years-old boys in West Memphis in 1993. This might be one of the most jarring and thought provoking films I've ever seen. The crime, the excitement of the court trails, the characters... everything in this film is just so gripping it's unbelievable!

    Paradise Lost: Revelations (2000) - The follow up to the first film which updates on the situation of the case at that time. A lot of the enjoyment of the first film came from watching the court trials and how they tried to piece together the puzzles. But with this one cameras were not allowed inside the courtroom, so that kind of took away from it. Nonetheless, it spends a lot of time cover different aspects of the case which I thought were very interesting. 4/5
  7. The Fortunate One

    The Fortunate One Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Getting ready to watch Retired Extremely Dangerous :D
  8. iamsatan

    iamsatan Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: 6.5/10, Haven't event seen 2 or 3, and probably won't. It was an ok movie, a bit cheesy at times, not my thing. I did appreciate that it wasn't a special effects extravaganza.
  9. Agent

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    The Staircase (Documentary mini-series) - 4/5

    Ever since watching the two Paradise Lost movies I've become a sucker for true crime/court trial documentaries. This one covers the trial of author Michael Peterson, who allegedly murdered his wife on their home stairwell. The documentary is extremely detailed and there are twists and turns on every episode... shocking revelations that you wouldn't expect. It's almost as if it were a fictional movie. That's what made it such an entertaining watch. My only big problem with it is that it seemed quite biased as it only follows the defense attorneys and Michael Peterson's side of the story. I would've loved it more if it had gone into the other side of the picture as well, ie, the prosecutors. Also, reading on IMDB it seems that they'd left a lot of forensic evidence from the movie, which added to the bias-issue. Nonetheless, it was a very gripping and interesting watch. I'd highly recommend it solely for the court scenes and the detective works.
  10. MKH

    MKH That's wharrrt it is LPA Super VIP

    Apr 29, 2010
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    Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. (3/5)

    It was total bullshit compared to the first 3, though Penelope Cruz fits Keira Knightley's shoes pretty well as a hot pirate lady. If you don't make the majority of a POTC movie about Captain Jack Sparrow, you've got a piece of shit on your hands.
  11. Benjamin

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Hangover 2: 9/10

    If you liked the first one and walked out of this one thinking it was bad, your head is screwed in the wrong place. I laughed my head off throughout the whole movie. That's all that matters. I think the first one is still better, but honestly, I'm not sure.
  12. Ree

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    The Hangover Part 2 - 9/10

    I loved it. If you like the first one then I'm positive you will like this one too. You really can't take movies like this too seriously, what you see in the trailers is pretty much what you get. I've read reviews bashing it for being so similar to the first one but imo that doesn't make it a bad thing at all. It's action-packed and just overall fucking hilarious! I saw things that I never wish to see again, it was funny because the entire audience screamed at THAT part at the same time and the cinema was packed out haha. Zach Galifianakis steals the show yet again. :) Part 1 and 2 are equal for me, I can't choose which one I like more. WATCH IT.
  13. The Fortunate One

    The Fortunate One Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Loving Annabelle
  14. sotrix

    sotrix @lplive

    Apr 7, 2010
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    Blue Valentine - 4/5

    One of the saddest films I've ever seen. Great director's commentary.
  15. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - 6.5/10

    Really solid dialogue again from Kevin Smith. The movie seems like it was just made for no reason, though.

    Chasing Amy - 8/10

    I really liked this one. It had pretty much all the people from Mallrats in it, but it was a more serious story. Great dialogue again, obviously, and a really good story. Heartfelt, yet still funny as fuck.
  16. MKH

    MKH That's wharrrt it is LPA Super VIP

    Apr 29, 2010
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    Kung Fu Panda 2 - 4.5/5

    Pretty damn good for a sequel. It feels rushed here and there, but awesome nonetheless, and very epic fights!

    The Hangover: Part II - 4.5/5

    HIGH.LAY.REE.US. Pretty much a direct remake of the original with new scenery and some new laughs, but it was so :lol: - causing
  17. iamsatan

    iamsatan Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2010
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    That's my favorite Kevin Smith movie, it had everything.

    Police Academy (8/10), I haven't seen it since I was a kid, and wow this movie is fuckin hilarious, loved it.
  18. Snail

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    So within the past week, I decided to sit down and watch all six films throughout the course of three days. Not the best.. but... quite the experience.


    Episode 1: The Phantom Menace - 4/10

    If you're not already familiar with the first trilogy (Episodes 4 - 6), you'll be hardpressed to give a flying fuck about the on-goings in this movie. A bland, weak, and annoying introduction to the Republic, Anakin, Obi Wan, and Yoda. I'm glad I started the viewing process in numerical order, rather than according to when the films were made; I would have loathed this film that much more. There were so many routes Lucas and his team could have taken with this film. I'm positive that the average, to die-hard fan with a penchant for story writing could have created a much more compelling tale.

    Episode 2: Attack of The Clones - 4/10

    So Episode 1 was a drag, and Episode 2 can't possibly be worse? Well unfortunately, it is. Usually, the protagonist of a film is likable and charming. Too bad, that isn't the case here. The character of Anakin is essentially a crybaby and a creeper. Then, there's the terribly crafted love story between Anakin and Padme, Luke Skywalker's parents. It's sappy, unconvincing, and laughably unbelievable. The dialogue between Anakin and Padme are cringe inducing and hilarious! Well, onto Episode 3..

    Episode 3: Revenge of The Sith - 8/10

    Revenge of The Sith improves upon it's episodic predecessors in every end of the spectrum. It's really a shame that the films preceding this one didn't pan out as well, or else Episode 3 would have been that much more effective. The lead up to the final act, as well as the climax itself are gripping as far as Star Wars stuffage goes.

    Episode 4: A New Hope - 8/10

    If there is one Star Wars film you should see, it's this one. I thought that 'A New Hope' was a great tale as far as the 'fish out of water' paradigm goes. I found appreciation for almost every aspect of the film, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing it is safe to assume that this was the 'Avatar' of the late 70s. This first installment to the Star Wars films definitely deserves it's place as one of the marvels of movie history.

    Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back - 7/10

    If you liked Episode 4, you'll like this one. The main cast continues to be as charming as they were in the first. It's unfortunate though, since the revelations surfaced would have been much more substantial if I hadn't grown up with any inkling as to what the story of Star Wars was about, or if I had viewed the films in order of release. A solid and exciting sequel.

    Episode 6: Return of The Jedi - 6/10

    I'm on the fence about this one. The special effects artists' efforts are commendable and fun, but the inclusion of the Ewoks was a bad move. Also, the brother/sister factor between Luke and Leia must have totally come out of left field considering the ongoings between the two in Episodes 4 and 5. In spite of these inclusions and revelations, the rest of the movie is your usual Star Wars fluff and action. The final battle between Vadar, Luke, and the Emperor/Lord Palpatine was not a a visual spectacle to say the least. However, the emotion behind the final act warrants praise.

    As a whole... 6/10

    The Star Wars films in it's entirety is a mixed bag. In hindsight, if you took away Jar Jar Binks, the political hooplah, the Ewoks, and the laughable dialogue (Episode 2), this film series could have been one of my favourites. However, as it stands, this franchise is not for me. Although, I do appreciate the appeal, and the milestones this franchise has made in terms of creativity and technique in film.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2011
  19. MKH

    MKH That's wharrrt it is LPA Super VIP

    Apr 29, 2010
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    Charlie's Angels - 0/5

    Why the fuck does everyone talk about this movie like it was the shit? It was just shit. The dialogue was terrible and forced, and even in their "youth" I didn't find Diaz or Barrymore attractive - Liu isn't that bad. I finished it in such shock that I researched frantically to see if it was supposed to be a comedy, or a parody, but alas, it's just a bad movie.
  20. Jeff

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Who the hell told you it was good? :lol:

    On another note, tomorrow I will be watching the Ocean's Trilogy (as in Ocean's Eleven) if my Blu-Rays come in the mail then :)
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