What LPW Said To Me...

Discussion in 'Feedback & FAQ' started by Omar, Apr 11, 2003.

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  1. #41
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Providing a light in this hectic situation, against what Ent suggested(sorry :p) I am going to let you guys know what just went down:

    Ent655ered: Hey, I was just talking to Bryan.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: Ut oh...
    Ent655ered: I want to settle this stuff.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: Sounds cool. it's just we have random people coming to our forums saying "LPA SUCKS! AKUMA IS AN #######!" and they always seem to mention how your site is better
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: and after a while..we assumed that...all LPA haters are from LPW.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: or at least a vast majority.
    Ent655ered: LOL, our site isn't better, we just have our own cool stuff.
    Ent655ered: And you guys have way more of that cool stuff.
    Ent655ered: But, we like to run our own site, that's all.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: Exactly and I understand that.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: its just after "Linkinfan42" 's post.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: #### hit the fan.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: So much we had to make a letter on forums addressing it
    Ent655ered: Ok I see where you guys are coming from.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: Plus add to the fact about our members getting banned and crap..and it just all was like.."Ok something ISNT right."
    Ent655ered: Yea, I'm going to talk with Jay whenever I can.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: Ok sounds cool to me.
    Ent655ered: But, let's try to stop bringing up the old stuff.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: I'll try, its just many of our staff were led to believe that was the reason they were banned.
    Ent655ered: It does create an annoying atmosphere like the guy Keaton was saying. And some of that is our part.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: and our part too altho as illustrated by my letter..I tried to be professional for once instead of being like
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: childish
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: and I found that got a better response.
    Ent655ered: Yea, both of us can do that when we are tempted to do so, lol.
    Ent655ered: I think I try to be a little too confident.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: Ay Men. (cant spell..)
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: god..
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: Amen!
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: THERE!
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: lol
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: I get confident when I female dog someone else too, I think thats in soemone's nature to feel that way.
    Ent655ered: Yea, you want to come out on top. I do that too.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: One minute your on top, the next your not..
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: *coughs* :D
    Ent655ered: LOL, just like when I was arguing last time about the news.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: Yes..it was f-in war lol.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: People who were angry about us putting u off forums...fought with people who supported it
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: and ooh boy. if u want an example in which LPA didnt ban someone?
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: Never once did I kick a member in that whole thing.
    Ent655ered: I think people would rather post about LP, then our stupid war.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: Now, if they would of flamed 3 times
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: then yes, bye bye, but yea :p
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: True.
    Ent655ered: I think this time, when we get this resolved, we should just not post anything at all and just leave everyone blank as to what happened.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: Oh :p
    Ent655ered: Just get you guys unbanned from the site, and leave it at that.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: I was gonna tell people that..things are alright
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: MacNeilBiker76: The Jay guy is the one who banned us for no reason, so Derek isnt the problem, I think that other guy is
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: And you only seem to have gotten mad when we approached you about it.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: And of course Derek's are cool I mean
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: *smiles* I'm a Derek :p
    Ent655ered: Jay really isn't a big problem, he was just mad at what was posted on our guestbook. He will unban you guys because he's a nice guy.
    Ent655ered: Jay shouldn't be a problem at all, he's cool. He was just mad.
    ZShadoWOfADoubTZ: and we'll unban you because we're nicer then you think :p

    Believe it or not, LPW and LPA are at peace again. Hopefully that will stay this time, wars=headaches.
  2. #42
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Plus since Derek didnt do anything but be the mediator we are unbanning him. Yes it goes against our policies heavily but, its a gesture of peace to hope that this sh*t will end.
  3. #43
    Hybrid Soldier

    Hybrid Soldier Y2K

    Nov 30, 2002
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    finally things are getting tooken care of. nicely done. :)

  4. #44

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Yay, my advice was taken, "Kiss and make up"...

    Hopefully your kisses weren't all pationate ;).


    Thank god this is finally taken care of *woo hoo*!
  5. #45
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I live in a world where Keaton smells like poopy.

    COME OVER SOMETIME!!!!!!!!!!

    :shifty: Booyakasha :chemist:
  6. #46

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    I was going to change that... :wth:.

    I need to get off my lazy ass and change it :shifty:.
  7. #47

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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