here's some drawings of mine (tell me what you think considering the fact that I'm only 14..and was 13 when I drew most of these):
Wow, those are amazing. Asspecially for a 14 or 13 year old. You draw great already. You are seriously talented! Linkin Park seems to be your big inspiration. They look great. Maybe try to draw some pictures of your own, so you practise that too.
WOW. Whatst0fsaid. Keep it up, man! Try lotsa more stuff! We'll all be looking forward to seeing more.
They are my big inspiration. I do draw pics of my own..I just haven't put them online...I'm drawing pictures for my brother's book
That's really cool, I'd like to see some pictures you drew yourself too some time... I usually like them better.
Its nice to see you deicate your time to linkin park artists, needless to say, those drawing must have taken some good talent, especially for a 14 year old, good work, keep it up..
it always amazes me when people at a young age can show so much talent. your work is very, very nice. i applaude
I'm 13 and I'm an artist too and I have to say, you're evil you are making me jealous! Joking. These rock. The one where Chester has the bug on his nose is funny. Keep up the good work.
About this one: I'm damn jealous of that one...I swear I just love this one...chester IS my hero...and you just went and made like the most gorgeous drawing of him there is...I never get off this thread without looking at this pic. other words: keep drawing stuff like this and I'd be willing to sponsor your art with millions eventhough I'm broke as crap
here's one I'm owrking on using paint on the computer: I decided to change Chester's shirt to black >..<
Wow, that's f'in good! I'm 13, soon 14, and people say I draw pretty good, but I'm NOTHING compared to you! O_O Damn good!