Don't Sweat The Small Stuff... And It's All Small Stuff by Richard Carlson. It's all about not stressing out over stupid things and how to generally be more relaxed xD
Pygmy, the new book by Chuck Palahniuk. It's amusing, but I'm still finding it a bit hard to get into, which is quite unusual for his work.
I don't know why my local library doesn't carry any of the other books in that series besides A Year in the Merde. 'Tis not fair!
I'm horrible at explanations so here's a link.
I'm reading a book called "About A Boy" by Nick Hornby -- it is brilliant, and I think it's indescribably better than the film adaptation that was made from it. And, after I finish it, I plan to jump right back into some King and finally read "It".
I'm reading some various Stephen King short stories. and The Green Mile. The Road Virus Heads North, is a pretty good story I think.
The last book I finished was Velocity by Dean Koontz and I'm in between books right now. I think I might pick up the new(ish) Robert Crais' novel.