OK, I said that because I once saw someone deserve an unofficial warning for flaming but I guess it's probably because you didn't noticed it. Thanks for answering!
La La harum ya kheyyeh, berkey iza darabnehun baadena beyifhamu, kiss ekhtun mala shrameet, ayre bil heydey
More about what I think. I just witnessed that LPA staff began a thread about LP touring in Malaysia, then continued to say it was funny the circumstances, then let members comment on it, then closed it and told all who posted that they were wrong. Of course, the ones with those close-minded comments were out of place and made me sick, but it's not like they were alone. The thread itself was basically showing that Malaysia had an incredible difference, and had nothing in it that said "We should respect LP for willingly touring there, etc.", then at the end it was closed admonishing the members. Wow?
sorry, its ok if you feel left out anyways, linkin Park is really good and oi feel in a way that they have touched me in my heart in many reasons in my life
My comment on it was that it would be funny to see Linkin Park actually performing like that. I meant nothing against Linkin Park nor Malaysia when I made that comment. Other comments, such as other users calling Malaysia stupid because they put those restrictions on Linkin Park, were very wrong and can be seen as prejudice in a way. The thread was closed to keep any more comments like that at bay so that we wouldn't have a flame war between the people who just find it funny and respect it and the people who think it's utterly stupid.
I closed the thread because different countries have different values and making fun of that is really immature. the news post was there just to state to fans the issue, not to tease. As I said before, consider this good that Linkin Park was even allowed to play in Malaysia. Lastly, i never told anybody they were wrong so please don't put words in my mouth. I said that many [meaning not all but quite a few] of the comments made me disguisted. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but when a thread moves off the topic of linkin park and onto the topic of disrespecting values, I feel it doesn't belong in the LPA forums.
I'm starting to think Elie's posts are more like attacks than help. You just point out all the problems without even suggesting how to avoid and correct them. We asked for suggestions on how to correct the problems. Put that on top of turning this thread into a Lebanese chanting frenzy and you've got a thread being used for things it's not supposed to be used for. Smarten up, please. As for Will's comment, he was merely remarking that it'd be funny to see LP perform without screaming/jumping/swearing between songs, you really misread. It wasn't a slag against Malaysia or their government at all.
You know what, you're all absolutely right. Infact, you're right, I have manifested quite a great dislike in the LPA Forums in general. I feel it nessecary, before I publicly say something i'll regret to some people and announce some of the problems I have, that I be removed from this member databse (a ban would be nice), so that I am not tempted to return here. So, for Marc, here's something that's not a direct attack, i'll suggest that you should get rid of the second most controversial member, and have a nice, calm forums, have a great, respectful Linkin Park community that you've always wanted. For all the peeps that know my respect is with them, best of luck in your endeavors. The rest of y'all, i'm tired of holding it back...umm...wait, haha, screw it. It's been real people, but it's time for me to move on. Best of luck on your paths, but my attacks, and my being here is just too disrespectful, and I couldn't agree more. I find some sick, twisted joy in exploiting weaknesses, and Mark is the first to notice I guess. *Jumps into the pool of bannage* Will, habat tifhum shou hab ule? Iza bet tifhum, bhetlah Instant Message. BYE. (Btw, before some "detective" with some ungodly rank on this forum says "Elie wanted attention in this post", i'd like to say, "Way to go sherlock!")
Dude, Elie is leaving? Well, whatever, LPA, it's been real. I have to agree with Elie, and if he's out, i'm out. Later peeps, it was good...kinda
I'm sorry you feel that way, Elie, and I resepct what you say. I personally think you brought some great things to the LPA. I hope you will come back one day. Well, on my behalf... if I made you feel like crap at any time, I appologize, and I apologize to anyone in the past or future I make feel bad with what I say--I don't think I ever have intentions to make others feel bad.
well i noticed that will has his own radio, and other people are intersested in starting, theres wills radio, and mine, i have 2 other people working with me doing shows on my radio, well my idea is, combine everyones efforts into 1 official LPA Radio, putting a link on the lpas homepage, and mayby a page with times when shows air, i think this would be good for advertising the site