Mark is fantastic studio singer for what it's worth. Blink-182 has never been a good live band and they are my favorite band. Mark can't sing live. Matt can't sing live or play guitar live [He physically can't play Carousel without messing up]. Tom couldn't sing live but could play guitar well live. However, Travis is one of the best drummers of all time so they have that going for them.
I like the part where it took Mark a solid 5+ minutes to realize his guitar was horrendously out of tune. Pretty obvious that these two had no experience writing together and weren't comfortable with the situation at all. I'd like to see how they'd work in a more conventional studio environment.
What Mike said about bridges hurt my heart. Just reusing the pre-chorus in the bridge is so lazy and redundant.
Honestly I really liked the fact that it didn't all go 100% smoothly. I know they were pushed for time, but it felt like it was a lot closer to the real process, mistakes and all, instead of being a well rehearsed session that isn't representative of how two artists might actually get along during their first session.
I've never heard of Mike being called that. I've heard he's been called ''The Glue'', though, by the rest of the band, which I guess means essentially the same thing.
Honestly, it doesn't surprise me that Mike kind of gets in his own little world when writing a song and isn't much of a jam artist. If you think about it, Mike pretty much has been responsible for the direction of several of the band's albums, namely ATS, THP and (likely) One More Light.