Anyone else hear at the start, 'All we want, is Linkin Park to their, go back to their..*random gibberish*'. I'm thinking it's a 'LP GO BACK TO DER ROOTS' type, in your face thing.. that's why the song is more hard. Just my opinion, what do you guys think?
It does sound like Linkin Park is said, but the rest might be in another language. Victimized is like the token heavy song.
While I found it initially disappointing, I've come to enjoy this track. It was probably meant to shut up all of the hardcore nu-metal fans.
I understand something like "all that we ever want: Linkin Park go back to de rootz. That's all what we only want.." Something like that.
I don't understand the speech, but yes, I can almost hear "linkin park" in it. Maybe it's just an hallucination though Anyway, I suppose it's a "love it/ hate it" kind of song. Personnaly, I love it. Possibly my favorite of the new record. I love how it is heavy and weird at the same time. Plus, I really enjoy that moment where Mike sings "Time has come for you" with his soft voice, and with that little folk and almost creepy melody. Then the drums come in, and BAM! I really enjoy it.
I'm almost sure that speech is by some dictator from another country or something similar. Forgive my ignorance if that is painfully obvious.
It is pretty nu-metalish but I think they managed to keep it fresh. I like how Mike did a folk singing verse as well as his rap and Chester's screams on this song are probably my new favorite fro him. Instrumentally I only like the drums though, the guitars/electronics just sound messy to me.
This is like a mess that I really enjoy haha. Chester's screams are brutal and I like Rob's work. It's gonna be a fun song to see live.
I think the artistic point of view could be that they had so many different types of music going into this album, and it got frustrating at times to make things work but just let things go and just went crazy on this one.
I absolutely love this track, Has the hard feel of HT (not that its the best album) but it multiplies that rage times 2. I see it as a kid that is being bullied and can no longer stand it, starts going insane
For people who keep complaining that the instruments are "messy" it's a tribute to punk music. IT'S FUCKING SUPPOSED TO BE MESSY.
THIS SONG IS FUCKING BRUTAL. The descriptions were exactly right: this is an in-your-face kinda song which instantly makes it one of the best of the album. That, and because it's a mixture of hardcore punk and weirdness which I love in a song
Honestly it's my favorite track. I love the mixture of sounds and while I'd like it to be longer, I can't imagine what they would've done with it.
If I had to compare Victimized to anything, it'd be Nine Inch Nails's March of the Pigs. It's kinda messy, heavy, gets in your face and cuts down instantly, insane dynamics, and pretty short. Not my favorite off LT, but by far not my least favorite LP song. As far as it being an ironic "here, screw off! we went heavy for a minute." song...yeah I could see that.
Is Victimized the hardest LP track of all time? (If not which is in your opinion?) I think Victimized is the most hard hitting that I have seen. There are plenty to choose from, but the short and sweet packs a punch and really stands out
You're looking for "heard", not "seen". A Place For My Head, and Qwerty are comparable if not harder than Victimized. I was actually a little let-down with the track as the song was described to be the most 'brutal' of their career thus far.