I heard about this a few days ago. Really fucking sad, and may all those who died RIP. And IMO, you can't really ban guns, especially not in a huge country like the US. I think people who sell guns should be more careful with who they're selling the weapons to, and they shouldn't be sold in fucking GROCERY stores. Also, maybe parents should hide their guns better if they have any at home. Like any of that'll happen, though.
I don't think that the reason for mass shooting is gun owning. Until the point when the root of the problem in the USA is solved though, I cannot see any other solution other than banning guns. I've never felt the need to protect myself with a gun, and if it's harder for the "bad guys" to own one, there's one reason less for us to need one. Handguns, automatic guns and tons of penetrating bullets sold everywhere are not for hunting.
I highly doubt some 15 year old kid would make his own gun. The American youth is no different than any other countries youth and I never heard of a high school shooting with home-made gun. Its their decision to smoke, its not their decision to get shot.
Nevermind protection from say, a home break-in, but maybe some people use guns for outdoor sport? Also, Phantom Duck, second hand smoke is the most deadly factor of a cigarette for other people except the smoker, obviously. For a smoker like myself, no, of course it isn't. Because we get the first hand smoke
They don't need to own the guns though. Why not hire them from one of these places where you go shooting? When I go ice skating, skate hire is part of the entrance fee. I don't need ice skates for daily use, you don't need a gun for daily use, so why give people access to them on a daily basis?
Well, I don't know how it is around the country and world, but here in the South, the hunters just go out in the woods and hunt. There's no official building where some guy takes them in a truck to a location and just lets them hunt some kind of company owned animals or something. All you have to do is register for a gun and hunting license, and then you're free to hunt. Granted it's not a national park or you're hunting an endangered species, of course.
Oh ok, I always figured you have to hunt in some sort of game park or something. Just running around in the bush shooting at things seems a little dangerous and uncontrolled to me... Hmmm, I dunno how you control gun use without banning it altogether then... Still, most other western countries seem to survive alright without the right to own a gun, so why not the USA? Like, Australia has only really had one significant massacre like that I think, whereas it seems to happen every few months in America.
A buddy of mine, Petros, actually has a class in Cole Hall exactly around that time. He over slept and missed it. The ironic part is that out of all the four years I attended high school with him, he probably only missed 3 days of school (One of those being the annual Senior Ditch Day). I spoke to him on the phone and he couldn't even talk. He was incredibly lucky. RIP to all the victims.
Yeah, I'm not going to comment on the "shooting massacres happen every few months in the US" comment, but here's this: banning guns? yeah, sure, you can try. it'll just be like the prohibition of alcohol in the 20s or whatever. they will still exist on the black market in larger quantities more than EVER, since they won't be sold in gun shops. if they were banned, all you would have to know is a place to find them. it's just like drugs, they're illegal and banned, but they're still widespread across the world. banning isn't the solution. theoretically, nothing is going to stop a maniac that wants to kill people from killing people. you can't really catch that sort of thing before hand. it's not until it happens that you see all the warning signs, and by then it's obviously too late.
I agree with Casey, guns will never be banned in the U.S. I'm sick of people saying that schools need to upgrade their security. Sure, let's hire some 45 year old security officer whose getting paid minimum wage only carrying a flash light. How the hell is that going to stop a maniac from coming into the school with an AK? Or better yet, let's install a camera in a parking lot. I'm sure that's going to scare the gunman away. But what about metal detectors! The gunman came in with the intention to kill. I'm sure he would have no problem killing the guy at the detectors. Bottom line is, there's no way of stopping school shootings. Yes, banning guns in the U.S. would greatly reduce them, but that will never happen.
The thing is, I don't think these college kids who do this sort of thing plan it out as such. It's more spontaneous I'd say, they're pissed, they grab the parents gun, and go shoot someone. If they had to plan where to get one, find money to pay for the illegal purchase, that sort of thing, they might very well have cooled off by the time they get closer to getting their hands on a weapon. You're never gonna stop everyone, but you can stop the ones who just crack one day, and out of blind anger or whatever else they're feeling, decide to do something like this.
Exactly, Casey. Banning guns does nothing but create a whole new industry of illegal gun trading, moreso that it already is. I think the only thing that could have prevented this is if they had security checkpoints/metal detectors at the entrances of the building. Obviously someone can bypass these things (killing whoever is in your way), but they would cut down on it in terms of scaring off people who would be afraid of going through one.
Harlz, how do you stop someone who just randomly snaps one day and brings a gun to a school? I would love to know that, really. Also, they don't plan these things out? Have you ever HEARD of Columbine?!
I'm sure the shooters plan their attacks. Look at Columbine. They spent weeks making homemade bombs. EDIT: Casey beat me to it.
That's what I'm saying, if there wasn't easy access, the ones who just randomly snap wouldn't be able to do it. Cases like Columbine on the other hand, well that's harder. I did say it won't stop all of them.