Yet another shoot out, this time in Northern Illinois University. Damn this world is going crazy. May all those who died RIP.
I heard about this yesterday. It's going to get to the point where our kids are going to have to take psychological tests before they can do anything just to determine whether they're mentally stable or not. I'm tired of this bullshit.
This terrible, of course, it is, but to be fair, people shooting each other isn't something new. We're just turning back to the days of the cowboys, that's all.
I don't really know a solution to this. The parents are too lazy to keep their guns locked up, the guns are too easily accessible to people old enough to purchase one, everything about Gun ownership is wrong. I believe we should have the right to own a gun but when you see this happen almost regularly, it kinda makes you think otherwise.
I heard about this last night before going to a play. ...That was about school shootings. It felt very awkward.
RIP ofcourse, but eh...I'm not surprised. It's just that weird gun law over there, in my opinion. Sure, you have these shootings all over the world, but America's just crazy with that. Noone should own a gun, except for the police, army etc.
I don't argree that no one should own a gun but the army or the police. In America that would surely fail. I mean I wish people would just stop being so stupid, set aside differences and get on with their lives. Maybe no one should own a gun at all, but that would also cause problems. It's like no matter what you do, there's nothing to do. I really don't know how America can fix this problem.
I know the problem is more complex than this, but I can buy a gun at the same place I get groceries... explain that?
Look at other countries, do they have as much shootings as America? No, because the gun law is different. I feel like America made the mistake of letting people own guns and what not, instead of keeping it to good use. If kids can't reach guns, they can't shoot anyone. Well, this is just the way I see it. Tim, exactly. Now what the fuck is that about? It shouldn't be a normal thing, bullets are not like fucking carrots you can just buy.
I know what you mean but if you take away guns, it's really not going to stop the people who really want them. They'll make their own guns. It's not that I believe guns are good or anything but I just believe that if you try to take away a freedom that everyone is use to, then it would cause more problems, it could even cost a civil war. Maybe I'm over dramaticizing things, but it could be the same was as when they tried to outlaw alcohol. I also believe in the right to bear arms, but I disagree with it too. My views are too complex to write down, so I apologize in not being able to show any clarity on the subject. I'm just trying to say if you take away guns there's problems, and if you don't there's problems. I wish I knew of a great solution but I don't.
I don't think there's a solution, it's gone way too far by now. Just like I said, they shouldn't have given everyone the right to own a gun, it's only causing problems.
The United States has a government that is governed "by the people" and "for the people," and the country's founding fathers originally intended the Second Amendment to the Constitution to serve as a means to "put down" any distrustful government or a government which was over-stretching its bounds, for example by becoming a dictatorship. The Second Amendment, the "Right to Bear Arms," was meant for a standing militia to be formed by the people of the country so as to take back control of the country from the corrupt government. But since that time, the government has gotten far too powerful to be "put down" by a militia since there are so many laws about things like that now, and people point to the Second Amendment as their inalienable right to own a gun for the purposes of hunting or protection. It's just that there are too many idiots out there who feel the need to shoot someone else over a disagreement or because their life didn't turn out the way they wanted it to. Like you said, there's no solution, but I figured I'd at least let you know that it's not as if they sat down and said, "I think everyone should be able to own a gun," because that's not what the original law was about.
Yeah, I know it didn't go like that. But it just makes me pissed you know, you'd think Bush would've done something by now, but no.
It's too hard to change the law now. As much as it needs to be changed and as much support a Gun Bill would get, it would just cause way too many problems than it would solve. I mean, I do agree with you, I'm just looking at it from a not-wanting-to-get-shot-because-some-jackass-found-out-I-voted-for-an-anti-Gun-Bill perspective.
so we should outlaw weapons just because there's been some school shootings and whatnot over the past 10 years? that's like banning milk because some people are lactose intolerant. i know it's a bad analogy, but it works. for every one or two maniacs that shoot up a school, or for every gang shooting, there's atleast 100 American citizens that obey the law with their weapons, and don't use it on other human beings. you're essentially taking away the right to bare arms just because there's a few bad eggs in this country, while the rest of the people that do own weapons are perfectly safe and harmless with them. cigarettes kill more people than guns. cigarettes also kill more people than guns AND alcohol, combined. let's ban cigarettes too. EDIT: An Anti-Gun bill would not get passed, simply because the preferred hobby of most politicians seems to be hunting, for one reason or another.
I guess we should all chop off our feet and fists, too. Hell, let's chop off our heads too, because a well placed headbutt could cave in someone's face. While we're at it, let's destroy everything that could possibly kill a person, so we can all live in peace and be shiny happy people! I guess now, in this new society, houses don't exist, because bricks can crush a skull, so we'll live on the grass in blankets. But, wait, blankets can be used to wrap around someone's throat and choke them to death! My point is, everything around you can kill someone. A gun just makes it easier.