I'm 21, and I had my first experience when I was 14. I'm proud to say that I'm still with the same girl. *peace sign
Nope, and for whatever reason that surprises alot of people... Probably because I'm somewhat of a whore
My first experience however was with the woman who eventually became my wife and then exwife however. 22nd birthday ironically. Got married on year later to the date.
I'm 16 and I have no plans to have sex until I have a GF who I get to know really well. Unless if College screws things up
Lost my virginity last year when I was 16, but I had many sexual encounters before that. Woah that's good, congrats man! The longest I've been in a relationship is about 2months. I can't stand them, too much commitment that's why I have a casual sex partner right at moment.
Naw i just turned 18 and havent. Its not like i couldnt because trust me i could, but i dont wanna do it with some random. Honestly i dont care enough, im not a douche looking for sex nor am i a weirdo who cant get it. I am just chill and it doesnt bother me
Random BJs > random sex any day. Takes about 2 hours less time, same result, no STDs. Have sex with someone worth your time and worth your weener.
I lost my virginity at 16 to a guy I loved (at the time) and who I honestly thought I was going to be with forever. Times change...