In Between is the only song on the album that's particularly weak... still better than No Roads Left if you ask me though.
Thank you! I've been saying that In Between is better than NRL, but most people wanna burn you at the stake for saying that.
no, it's not that. most people just feel the emotion mike put into NRL plus the building structure of the song amazes them. the strings in that song are the 2nd best string moment from the MTM sessions (first place goes to "shadow of the day" for beautifully establishing a feeling of melancholy the first time ever in a linkin park song). when the 2nd guitar stops playing the octaves and comes in with power-chords NRL almost collapses in its beauty in a positive way. the strings emphasize this feeling and complete one of the most intense lp songs to date. i can say it's probably my favourite lp song and i'm with them for almost 7 years. if one song deserves the label "epic", it's this one, period!
Of course, I could be stereotyping. As far as No Roads Left being epic, I don't know. Usually for something to be epic, to me, it has to build up to something amazing, but I just don't see that with the song. It just kind of builds up and stops.
old LP wouldve write a song about anger, betrayal and frustration with that same situation i supose my real problem with those songs is that i had an image in my head about LP, they used to be more like the "dude" band, they used to have a tough sound now they are going for more like a U2 pop/rock style, but thats ok im sure they will sell a lot of records
Exactly, OLD LP. Chester isn't a teen going around screaming "ZOMG, nobody understands me, I hate the world and everyone in it" anymore. People DO mature as they grow older, as hard as that may be for some people to believe. While I'll admit I'm not the biggest fan of MtM, I definitely think the guys deserve a big congrats for trying something new and not sticking to the same dead style for the third album in a row. Releasing Hybrid Theory Part 3 would have been tantamount to career suicide.
I love the entire album more than I ever knew I would, but my favorites have to be this in this order 1. Given Up 2. Leave Out All The Rest 3. Bleed It Out 4. What I've Done 5. Hands Held High 6. No More Sorrow 7. Valentine's Day 8. In Pieces 9. The Little Things Give You Away
I have to agree 100% The songs structure is really the strongpoint of the song, how there's more and more distortion on the guitar through the whole song and all the breakdowns and the strings are really a nice touch. It is definitily one of my favourite LP songs too, though it's actually pretty cool that they left it out of MtM so that it's only the real fans, the hardcore ones that get's all the ear candy. It's a little special, just for us.
I don't need a trick to like M2M.... I like it already But Good advice though, it's worked with my friend, so thanks!
Most bands now-a-days that call themselves "emo" are the whiny variety, and not the Dashboard Confessional/Death Cab for Cutie types. It's a terrible lable, but sadly, it's the only way to describe certain things now. Valentine's Day is a very good track. Yes, Chester belting "Valentine's Day" at the end could have been cut or perhaps developed into something a bit more, substantial, but over all, it is actually a good song. If only people could get over that one line. ... Those songs are not straight up pop, and Linkin Park has never been "straight up" anything. That's sort of the appeal of LP, for me at least. I know that they are gonna have some good songs laden with rock riffs and screaming, but they are also going to have some good rapping, hip-hop style production elements, fused a healthy mix of electronics. MTM is still LP, just developed with a slightly different method.