Damn, just learned about this... Top Gear is one of my favourite shows, and Hammond is one heck of a funny and interesting host. Hope he recovers rapidly...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/09/22/nhammond122.xml It's looking very optomistic
Out of Intensive Care and into "High Dependancy" ward. Next 10 days will be critical but everyone is looking hopefull. Clarkson called him a crap driver and got a grin from him. Hearing that made me smile as well.
its good to see all these posts, means that its just a serious matter to me as everyone else @nikki - cool hammond art
May has been telling journalists a few moments ago that he has had a conversation with Hammond. May says "It wasn't a very long conversation. But it was a conversation". The little guy is a right fighter. Tiny people are like that. And meeeh - made it in 10 minutes. Fancied a change.
Yeah, May told reporters something along the lines of "He's still the same irritating little shit we all know and love" And according to Clarkson, the only physical injury is a black eye...not even a broken bone. I'm no doctor, but with that news, I'm sure he'll make a full recovery
XD The line actually was "deep down, the Hammond I know is still intact" - but I see where that could have come from XD And yeah, I've been glued to SKY News all day
According to finalgear.com, it was: “I was chuffed to see him and although he’s muttering, he seems much like the irritating little shit I know and love. Even when he can’t say much, he seemed to make as much sense as he does when he can talk normally.” I dont know how much I believe that coming from May, he doesn't seem like the type of person to have a sense of humor like that, but I suppose it's possible. But the crap driver bit from Jeremy didn't surprise me at all
i met james may at a bike exhibiotn a couple of years ago, i got his autogrpaph and a phto XD, anyway, when everyone gathered around him to get autogrpahs, he said "Fuck me, im a really this popular?" we all laughed.
Well fuck me. That's a bloody miracle. That hamster has some massive balls on him I'll give him that o_o