Here's my TDG top 20 @Blake Three Days Grace: One-X Wake Up I Hate Everything about You No More Gone Forever Home High Road Last to Know Time That Remains Get Out Alive The Good Life Never Too Late Unbreakable Heart Drown Let It Die Over and Over Let You Down Life Starts Now Goin’ Down Human Race Three Days Grace: 5 One-X: 6 Life Starts Now: 5 Transit of Venus: 3 Human: 1 No, the cover of Michael Jacksons's "Give in to Me" didn't make it. Surprise, surprise.
DEATH GRIPS In order of release, top 5 marked with *. Full Moon (Death Classic) * Spread Eagle Cross the Block Get Got The Fever (Aye Aye) Hustle Bones I've Seen Footage Punk Weight Come Up and Get Me * No Love You Might Think He Loves You For Your Money But I Know What He Really Loves You For It’s Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat Anne Bonny Up My Sleeves * Billy Not Really Voila Inanimate Sensation On GP * Hot Head 80808 Bottomless Pit More Than the Fairy * Death Grips EP: 1 Exmilitary: 1 The Money Store: 5 No Love Deep Web: 2 Government Plates: 2 ni**as on the moon: 3 Jenny Death: 2 Bottomless Pit: 3 Other: 1 Ironically I always name The Money Store and Bottomless Pit my least favorite DG albums, but their highlights are fucking ridiculous. ni**as on the moon is my favorite album. I'm in that photo at the top, somewhere in front of the keyboard. Heh.
Three Days Grace: Time Of Dying Animal I Have Become The Good Life Pain Life Starts Now World So Cold I Am Machine Break Chalk Outline Painkiller The High Road I Hate Everthing About You Home Last To Know Gone Forever Riot Tell Me Why One X Just Like You Over and Over Three Days Grace: 3 One X: 7 Life Starts Now: 5 Transist Of Venus: 2 Human: 3
I'd be willing to listen to a playlist of this if you made one. I might make one myself out of curiosity.
If you're looking to seriously check out the band, I would be more than open to cook up a 10-15 song playlist for you to start with. I'd try to compose it better than that one, which is just chronological.
THRICE: The top 10 are fairly cemented however ranking this band's songs is nearly impossible. So many of them are genius in their own right. Hurricane Firebreather Daedalus Beggars Words in the Water Salt and Shadow The Long Defeat Black Honey Hold Fast Hope Of Dust and Nations Anthology In Exile Treading Paper Flags of Dawn The Earth Will Shake Stand and Feel your Worth For Miles The Window Death from Above Circles
Time to do a top 20 for my favorite indie artist, EDEN. Due to the fact that he's only release one EP and one album under his new name EDEN, I pulled tracks from his old name, The Eden Project. Rankings are tentative. 1. Wake Up 2. rock + roll 3. Circles 4. Hey Ya 5. Man Down 6. Jupiter 7. drugs 8. End Credits (feat. Leah Kelly) 9. Statues (feat. Leah Kelly) 10. Chasing Ghosts 11. Gravity 12. and 13. Interlude 14. Death of a Dream 15. drowning. 16. Billie Jean 17. Catch Me If You Can 18. Crazy In Love (feat. Leah Kelly) 19. I Am 20. Nocturne (not all songs will be available, some I've uploaded from my computer) Bipolar Paradise - 3 End Credits - 6 I Think You Think Too Much Of Me - 4 Other - 7
Have you heard of Elohim? she opened for EDEN this year! I love her, I can't wait until she release a full album
How dare you like songs from Human This is a good idea. I've only posted 3 pretty mainstream artists so far but I do have spotify playlists for them all: Death Cab For Cutie: [Playlist in order] Three Days Grace: [Running Away is not on Sotify] [Playlist not in order] Taylor Swift: [Playlist not in order]
System of a Down: Prison Song Lost in Hollywood Hypnotize Revenga Chic ‘N’ Stu Sugar Deer Dance Psycho Forest Science B.Y.O.B. Soldier Side Lonely Day Old School Hollywood Sad Statue Question! Chop Suey! Toxicity War? Innervision System of a Down: 2 Toxicity: 7 Steal This Album!: 2 Mezmerize: 6 Hypnotize: 3
I also came here to poste my SOAD top 20 System of a Down: 1- Soldier Side 2- Forest 3- Lost in Hollywood 4- ATWA 5- Psycho 6- Spiders 7- Radio-Video 8- Chop Suey! 9- Aerials 10- Toxicity 11- Revenga 12- Sad Statue 13- Holy Mountains 14- Dreaming 15- Tentative 16- This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I`m On This Song 17- B.Y.O.B. 18- Needles 19- Prison Song 20- Innervision System of a Down: 1 Toxicity: 8 Steal This Album!: 1 Mezmerize: 6 Hypnotize: 4
Well I might as well hop on the SOAD train as well System of a Down: (No Order, too hard to order for them ) Suggestions Spiders War? Prison Song Deer Dance X Chop Suey! Forrest ATWA Toxicity Science Psycho Aerials Innervision Bubbles B.Y.O.B. Revenga This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song Question! Sad Statue Old School Hollywood Lost In Hollywood Hypnotize Lonely Day Soldier Side Album Distribution: (I tried to keep this at 20 but couldn't decide what five songs to eliminate) [Also, SOAD needs to comeback to America!] System of a Down- 3 Toxicity- 10 Steal This Album!- 2 Mezmerize- 7 Hypnotize- 3 Spotify Playlist:
Alright, I made this for you. <3 I tried to keep the playlist focused mostly on well known, approachable songs, but still for it to accurately represent what Death Grips is about. They describe their music as "accelerated", and I think this playlist showcases that. Death Grips is always associated with paranoia, screaming, overblown everything, but I tried to build this playlist to represent that above all that - Death Grips is just fucking fun. This playlist is some of the band's catchiest stuff, but I also included some of the craziest, heaviest shit ("Turned Off", "Up My Sleeves"). Some of the transitions work, some are jarring as fuck on purpose, some not on purpose, some were butchered by their respective YouTube videos. Anyway, here's the playlist for anyone willing to give the band an honest chance. Death Grips 101. The playlist is only 10 songs and around 35 minites, it's just an introduction to the band. All these uploads are official and from the band, but if anyone's looking for a more fluid listening experience (Apple Music, Spotify, so on), tracklist is below: I've Seen Footage The Fever (Aye Aye) Spikes Turned Off You Might Think He Loves You For Your Money But I Know What He Really Loves You For It's Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat Come Up and Get Me Up My Sleeves Guillotine (It Goes Yah) Bubbles Buried In This Jungle Hustle Bones If you like this playlist, move on to The Money Store. It's only around 40 minutes long, and it's just ridiculously catchy and fun from the start to the finish. Stay legend. @InGibible I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Death Grips is trash. Blink-182: Feeling This After Midnight All of This Down Heart’s All Gone Stockholm Syndrome I’m Lost Without You Natives Ghosts on the Dance Floor Up All Night Always Obvious What’s My Age Again? Wishing Well Here’s Your Letter Story of a Lonely Guy All the Small Things What Went Wrong Anthem Part Two Home Is Such a Lonely Place Chesire Cat: 0 Dude Ranch: 0 Enema of the State: 2 Take Off Your Pants and Jacket: 3 Untitled: 8 Neighborhoods: 6 California: 1
@Filip That's a really great collection. Good mixture of their more accessible tracks, with a few deep cuts put it. I personally would have thrown in On GP and No Love as well.
Time for a solo artist. LIGHTS: 1- Muscle Memory 2- Speeding 3- Meteorites 4- Toes 5- Don't Go Home Without Me 6- Banner 7- Oil and Water 8- Cactus in the Valley 9- ...And Counting 10- Siberia 11- Up We Go 12- Portal 13- Follow You Down 14- Meteorites (Acoustic) 15- Heavy Rope 16- Flux and Flow 17- Everybody Break a Glass 18- Running With the Boys 19- From All Sides 20- Fourth Dimension The Listening: 0 Siberia: 9 Little Machines: 8 Midnight Machines: 2 Bonus tracks: 1