TMN A Thousand Suns Review

Discussion in 'News' started by From Zero, Sep 3, 2010.

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  1. Abhijeet

    Abhijeet New Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    I think, this album truely like a test of faith for all LP fans.
    It's like, who want stay aboard with the captain when the ship is cought in the storm.
    Only true ones will prevail.
    You got to belive what u love. I love LP and i belive.
    nuff.. said..
  2. El Muerto

    El Muerto LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    Great review. Finally somebody who's being honest.
  3. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    It's not whether you like this new album or not that makes you a Linkin Park fan. :" But, yeah, a lot of fans are gonna give up on them.

    And I'm more than happy with that; problem is, those people will then proceed to spend all their waking hours complaining about Linkin Park ...
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2010
  4. evulture

    evulture Banned

    Feb 20, 2007
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    i agree on it and its good to see someone realize that being fan DOESNT mean that whatever record they come up with it we have to APPRECIATE and give positie remarks on it even though we simply hate it.
  5. Metaphorica

    Metaphorica Banned

    Aug 30, 2010
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    At the end of the day we all have very different tastes in music, to be honest I think it's a bit stupid that people are posting reviews on this site, only reviews from Rolling Stone, MTV, BBC etc should be posted on this site imo as they try to write from a wide audience's point of view.
  6. El Muerto

    El Muerto LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    Sure, if it's good I'm gonna praise it and if it's bad I'm gonna bash it, doesn't matter if it's Lady Gaga or Linkin Park..

    This is the only this that gives me hope:

    I really don't like the two tracks, so I hope I'll like the others since they're supposed to be completely different.
  7. Agent

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Honest based on what? We haven't even heard the album yet.
  8. El Muerto

    El Muerto LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    He's being honest in his opinion on the album and is not sucking up to the band like most writers do.

    Do you seriously think this album will be such an "epic journey" as they continuously describe it, and that two intro's and a bunch of interludes (one of which is only 20 seconds long) were really necessary? Come on now, we're talking about Linkin Park here, I love them as much as the next person, but sometimes you just have to be realistic. They just can't pull it off. The two tracks we've heard so far are average at best, W&K sounds like a Meteora b-side, and The Catalyst feels even more repetitive that feel/heal/real rhyming scheme.

    I don't know, maybe it's just me, maybe I've completely moved on from that sound, but I have a feeling this will not turn out as great as they described it. Hope I'm wrong.
  9. Agent

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    You say it like all through their career they've gotten nothing but rave reviews, and the good feedbacks for ATS is just a continuation of that.

    This guy didn't have a lot of great things to say about the record, but that doesn't automatically make it "honest".

    I myself am not gonna gauge the merit of the album solely based on whether it's an "epic journey". As long I feel the songs, that's all that matters.

    Just don't jump to conclusion even before the record is out ;)
  10. From Zero

    From Zero I'm tried LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Just because this one is negative doesn't make the positive reviews any less honest.
  11. Cyanide

    Cyanide 1989

    Jun 26, 2010
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    It's actually subjective and dull.
  12. Flozuki

    Flozuki LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jun 1, 2010
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    Exactly,but i think it is good that LPA is also reporting about negative reviews. I don´t like the style he used to review it but that is his opinion. Of course there will be a lot of people that will love ATS and we will have a lot of haters while LP will also gain a lot of new fans. With a band that popular it is just normal. I personally love ATS, i hope the majority of LPA users will too but as long as i enjoy something i don´t really care if someone doesn´t like it. I can´t understand why people have to bash something all the time when they don´t like it (mentioned earlier in this thread, imo just wasted time and energy they could use much better but that is their problem and not mine ;)
  13. Moviten

    Moviten [Teh Unknown]

    Aug 2, 2010
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    I have no idea how all of this will play out, but the review isn't as bad as someone people are making it out to be.

    1. This guy doesn't come off as an "old LP" fan at all. He seemed very disappointed while describing MtM as their old sound. And he seemed to make it very primitive sounding, so I don't get why everyone's saying he's some old LP fan stuck on HT.

    2. I don't get why he says MtM is smeared with old LP stylings. The only tracks that make sense with old LP are Bleed It Out, No More Sorrow and Given Up.

    3. As much as I like Wretches and Kings, its lyrics seem so out of place with where this album seems to be going in terms of theme and direction. It has no...weight to it? So to speak. And it sounds like the rest of the rap on the album is the same way. That is incredibly disappointing and I could see why he'd say that there is no synergy between the frontmen. Which would be terrible.

    I don't know. We'll see. I think the review isn't as in-depth as the guy would like to believe it is, but I don't think it's hollow as this thread is making it out to be. The album also seems like it may end up being disappointingly short. I just wish LP wasn't straying away from actual instrumentation so much. Mainstream music in general is doing that and regardless of how different LP's sound is...they're yet another band going away from real instruments in an attempt to be experimental. But really...just take a listen to bands like Tool, the Decemberists, Fair to Midland, etc... You can't compare their sound to other bands, but they're not doing everything electronic. Not saying LP has to go that route or anything, but...just saying. I don't know. I'm not judging the album, I'm just not blinding defending it either. There is a lot left to be heard from it. But to say this review is absolute trash, I don't know. None of the reviews have really been all that in-depth, this just so happens to be negative.
  14. Xodus112

    Xodus112 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    So honesty is only when you don't like the songs or in other words agrees with you? OK.
  15. Storm

    Storm Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    W&K Meteora b-side???
    The Catalyst repetetive???
    Maybe you have turn up your headphones dude.
    Tool are an amazing band, who in every album puts interludes of 20 seconds or 1 minute and a half and yet every single album is loved to the bone by almost everyone. The band didn't say "epic" journey, they said "journey", if it will be epic, it will be up to us to realize that.

    I think tho that your opinion about the first 2 songs is extremely limitative.
  16. Tim

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    I actually like the idea of interludes, but having two intros is a little superfluous.
  17. Xodus112

    Xodus112 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Actually, Mike's lyrics on Wretches and Kings have everything to do with Chester's and the theme of the album. You don't see it/hear it on first listen but it's there. First you must consider the theme of the album and if you didn't get it from that the speech at the start and end of the song tell you all you need to know. I do think if we heard this song in the full context of the album it would be even more clear. Allow me to break down the lyrics.

    Verse 1

    To save face, how low can you go?
    Talk a lotta game, but yet you don’t know.
    Static on the wind, makes us all say whoa! (Rumors of oppression are spreading and surprising)
    The people up top push the people down low. (The government or higher class oppressing the lower)
    Get down, and obey every word. (What you as an average citizen are expected to do, obey "the man")
    Steady, get in line if you haven’t yet heard. (Get on board with the status quo if you haven't already)
    Wanna take what I got, don’t be absurd. (Possibly freedoms being taken away
    Don’t fight the power, nobody gets hurt. (Change or revolution is futile)
    If you haven’t heard yet, then I’m lettin’ you know (You need to know change is coming)
    There ain’t s--t we don’t run when the guns unload (Oppression by force doesn't scare us)
    And no one make a move, unless my people say so (don't do anything til the command is given)
    Got everything outta control, now everybody go (the status quo is being shaken)

    Verse 2
    So keep face, how slow can you go?
    Talk a lotta s--t, and yet you don’t know.
    Fire on the wind, makes you all say whoa! (Coming revolution is coming and surprising)
    The people up top and the people down low. (It's changing things from the top to the bottom)
    Get down, and I’m runnin’ it like that.
    The front of the attack is exactly where I’m at. (You're on the frontlines of war/change)
    Somewhere in between the kick and the hi-hat
    The pen and the contract, the pitch and the contact (could be that he's there for the start of a new "social contract"
    So get with the combat, I’m lettin’ them know (get on board with change)
    There ain’t s--t you can say to make me back down, no. (not changing my mind)
    So push the button, let the whole thing blow. (push the button, trigger a new order)
    Spinning everything outta control, now everybody go. (the old status quo is spinning)

    Anyone saying that Mike's lyrics are unimpressive or have nothing to do with the track simply isn't listening closely enough. I'm a big hip hop fan and actually write my own and I have to say his lyrics are very good and fit the themes. His rhyme scheme is fairly basic but with a thumping beat like this multisyllabic rhyming (which Mike is capable of see, High Voltage, It's Goin' Down) wouldn't work. And regarding the theme of the album, his lyrics aren't obvious but when you read them and take it in within the context of the album, the speech (referencing breaking the apparatus), Chester's chorus (we, the animals take control) it's clear what he's talking about.
  18. cloudscream

    cloudscream Static

    Jul 30, 2010
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    Umm... The band said that ATS is NOT a concept album. Why did the writer still say otherwise?
  19. Shayan86

    Shayan86 Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2010
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    I have no problem with negative reviews, but this one is poorly worded.
  20. Dean

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    This review probably isn't much worse written than the MTV one, that said the writer seems to have tried a bit too hard to come off all snarky and waspy so I can see why people have reacted badly to it.

    That said

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