sidenote: It's really hard to address dry irony without emotions in the internet. It's quite a challenge to establish an irony-context without smiles and that shit in a written-conversation. PS: your new pic is sweet. (no irony )
Real mature, sir. I'm a musician. I've USED an Electronic Drum Kit from time to time. I think you misread my point. I wanted to say that LP is using ONLY electronic drums since a while. Which is why people are complaining about the blandness of this song. An acoustic drum set has wonderful dynamics and a good drummer like Rob is being underutilised playing repetitive electronic beats with drum triggers. There is reason why songs like "Lockjaw" and "TLTGYA" sound awesome. They had a combination of the electronic influences and "normal" drumming. And yes, I know that Rob plays all the parts himself live. But does he do it in the studio? I'm pretty sure the drums in this song have been PROGRAMMED, not played. THAT is my point. 90% of the "organic" sound of a band comes from its drums. A great example - "15 Step" by Radiohead. It's a masterpiece, and the reason for its AMAZING sound is the genius combination of programming by Jonny and "real" drum playing by Phil.
Which is untrue. There were 9 songs on ATS and 5 featured actual drum playing, 3 electronic, and one song with no drumming at all. Burn it down does feature live drums, but I like the fact that they aren't brought up front in the mix. The song already reminds me enough of New Divide..
I like it. But it does have the feeling of a deliberate single. It's been made for the masses, make no mistake about it. Still, there's a hook that I can't shake. It's been the only song in my head for the last couple of weeks. As simple as the lyrics are, there's something touching about them. Chester delivers as well as ever. But Mike's rap feels like it has been put there to keep some people happy.
You'll apologize if I took the condescending stance. Ask anyone here how many people I've had to teach about electronic drum kits (i.e. Didn't know they existed or what they did). Too many to count. I'm a musician as well. There are instances where you can hear the live drumming in BID. But I'm going to agree with Rocky here in that the song doesn't really ask for a more prevalent mix of them. It would sound, in my opinion, awkward.
Only been using electronic drums and yet you claim to be a musician? I don't even... Someone needs to get their ears checked. Also IIRC in a chat Rob said on the new album he wanted to make it harder to tell which drums were live vs. sampled.
I agree with this which is why I think Rob intended the drums to sound the way they do. I think it is cool to have a drummer that thinks outside of the kit. Not very many drummers will think about playing an electronic kit on a song because "real" drums sound out of place. Also as a side note, because they are electronic doesn't mean that they are sampled in a loop to create a track entirely without the drummer playing anything. I know it's not your thought, M, but it has been implied that Shinoda or Hahn did all of the "drum work" in the song. I don't think that's the case at all.
I'd rather be happy, if they held on to the complex song structures of ATS and combining these with the "sound" of HT, instead of returing to the strucutres of HT/Meteora with the sound of ATS. Don't get me wrong I really like eelctronic music in general, though what i've been primary enjoying on ATS were the structering concepts of the songs. (except W&K and The Messenger) If they ditched the complex strucutres in favor of Meteora structures this would be a fail, imo. i knew this was mentioned many times before, but to me Burn it Down sounds like a fresh-2012 version of What I've Done. Burn It Down would have been an excellent song if it had came out at the same time as New Divide.
Using voice cancellation I can hear the guitars and Mike very clearly. Guess they mixed Mike down as to not emulate the same sound from ATS. That's a bummer.
Okay maybe I exaggerated by saying that LP uses ONLY electronic drums nowadays.. Sorry for that... And yes, I am pretty sure I'm a musician.. You'll be seeing more of me soon in the Monthly Mix-Up contests! But I still believe that Rob should lessen the electronic influences.. Songs will sound better imo.. Again, this is just my opinion.. I understand what you guys are trying to say though..
My thoughts exactly, thank you for shedding more light on this, unfortunately there are many people on here who simply think the sun shines out of LP's ass, in turn allowing LP to deconstruct everything they love about their sound. Forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Wow! A few things that I've learned from this post. 1) you didn't realize that "real" drums are in this song. It's okay. I think I'm the only person who said that BEFORE it was proven. 2) there is a connection between thinking the sun shines out of LP's ass and liking this song 3) that people are allowing Linkin Park to do things with the music that Linkin Park make 4) that it is safe to assume that "everything they love" actually translates to "everything I love" This is a Linkin Park forum. Unless they fuck up really bad, the majority of people are going to like the shit. By polls, Meteora is considered their worst album on this forum, and it is also considered a great album. If I died and went to hell, I'm pretty sure that Satan would actually stick me in a room with that album playing on full blast and then play live versions of all of the worst performances of those songs and put Hit the Floor on repeat and then put a bunch of fans in the room talking about how LP should have made the same shit over and over again....but that's just me and my opinion...kinda like how your opinion to this song...which I hope is the worst song on the album
Hey everyone, my condescending tone means I'm better than everyone else. Especially with my taste in music. If anyone likes something that I don't, They are wrong because I'm better than them.
Excuse me, I have not said that people who like Burn It Down have a lesser taste in music, I simply stated that many people will just "get used" to LP instead of actually saying they don't like a song, and if you think that's bad.. Check out the time Mike said that people only gave a negative view of ATS as negative opinions are more likely to be said.. yeah. Also: Punctuation. Also: Got anything to add to the discussion? Also: Your "Awesome Button" took me nowhere special.
I'm going to defend Hybrid here. First, we are on the internet, we do not need perfect punctuation for Christ sake's. I can find probably many things wrong with sentences you have posted before Second, he did add something to the discussion weather you liked it or not Third, Hybrid in himself is special so yes his awesome button does take him somewhere special
How is he adding anything to the discussion by being sarcastic and talking down to me, he's being a hypocrite there seeing as he accused me of the latter. You have also failed by not adding anything to the discussion. No, you completely misinterpreted my comment. Also: I do realise live drums are in the track, they are not emphasised however, which is my problem with the song, it moves away from the "rock" LP into the "Deadmau5" LP, which makes it boring live, in my opinion.