Discussion in 'Random Chat' started by Seinfeld, Mar 22, 2006.
Eskimos Inniy or Outty
Inniy Darth Vader or Dark Helmet?
Darth Vader, I guess... Skating or surfing?
Skating...hurts more lol Beavis or Butthead?
Butt-head Kenan or Kel?
Kenan Simpsons or Futurama?
Simpsons... Cold or Hot?
Cold Straw or No Straw?
Straw Carpet or Linoleum?
Linoleum Disk or Disc?
Disc Black or white?
Both Sweet or sour?
Sweet. Mustang or Corvette?
Mustaaaaang *drools* Ford or Dodge?
Lol i agree for sure on the *drools* part for teh mustang, haha! Hmmm, ford. Fort Minor or Eminem?
Eminem Wiggles or Teletubbies?
Wiggles Plus or Minus?
Plus Science or Math...??
Math Economics or Commerce?
Economics....gives you a better understanding IMO Physics or Chemistry?
Separate names with a comma.