Discussion in 'Random Chat' started by Seinfeld, Mar 22, 2006.
Linkin Park to be a vampire or just be dead
Dead. Prison or a nut house?
Nut house. Pop or Soul?
Soul Drawing or writing ?
drawing Rome total war or Age of empires?
Age of empires. Harry Potter or Frodo Baggins ?
Frodo Baggins Dogs or cats?
Doggies! Bullies or Norman Bates?
Bates Freddy or Jason?
Freddy.(who?) unlike or dislike?
Freddy Krueger, Nightmare on Elm Street guy. Dislike Poem or song?
Poem... Tough choice. Spike or Angel?
spike glass or plastic?
Plastic (glass breaks) Singstar or Buzz! ?
Buzz! Nightmares or Daydreams?
Daydreams. Kill Bill vol.1 or vol.2 ?
vol. 1 Marzipan or chocolate?
chocolate. yes or no?
Yes. (mmh I'd like some Marzipan... ) Warm weather or cold weather ?
cold. TransArhaz or freakolp?
Separate names with a comma.