Things the forum needs

Discussion in 'Feedback & FAQ' started by One More Rob, May 18, 2013.

  1. #1
    One More Rob

    One More Rob Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    I think there should be a
    to talk about the discography easier
    and there should be a type of "collectors forum" where people can talk about there LP collections and also maybe some "rarer" releases...also a "rairty/pricing" guide of Lp items would be nice
  2. #2

    Vriska Wiki Staff LPA VIP

    Apr 17, 2007
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    This will kill discussion, not improve it.

    I've seen this on the LPU.
    "Hey guys i have a topic about Meteora, I'm placing it here on this popular subforum"
    "This is the wrong forum, post in the Meteora forum"
    *moved to Meteora forum*
    Discussion dies and nobody posts on it.

    Subforums should only be created if there is so much traffic on a parent forum that new posts fall onto the 2nd page. Otherwise you are dividing discussion up and making it so that people have to look in more places to post. Which people naturally are adverse to.
  3. #3

    hawk because the internet LPA Super VIP

    Apr 1, 2010
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    If I remember correctly, there were sub-forums for each of the studio albums but they weren't active enough on their alone to warrant their singularity and thus were merged into the general Linkin Park Chat forum we have now.

    As for a collectors forum, I don't think there would be enough activity there to support it's existence, much like the album sub-forums. A simple thread could be enough for a chat about collections and what-not.
  4. #4
    One More Rob

    One More Rob Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    well the problem in this case would be you can't expect the amount of traffic it makes (is that correct english?) because I've seen forums (such as the nine inch nails one) where that subforum is almost exploding. And well, my point was not only to talk about your own collection (yea i know we have a thread about that already, but more in a sense of "dude I found this linkin park item. is it a super rare promo or a fake? is it rare? does it have I high monetary value?" etc. I think that should be made into a own subform just because some people for example may look at the topics everyday and if they would be just simple topics in, lets say "Linkin Park Chat" they may get "washed away" due to the amount of traffic going on over there
  5. #5
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    This. It's a fantastic idea and it's the way we used to have the forums but it unfortunately meant that some albums like Meteora or Live In Texas etc were going MONTHS without posts. A_T_F: You used NIN as an example, but NIN in many ways has a "deeper" following than Linkin Park. LP fans may be rabid, but NIN fans have been following the band for almost 30 years. Linkin Park fans, while devoted...aren't quite at that level yet because the band is only about 15-20 years old. For LPA, It just didn't make our forums look very inviting so we canned it in favor of a big LP Chat forum. The result? Traffic to that forum increased tenfold. I guess it depends on the site and the fanbase really. What works for some band fansites, won't work for others.

    No worries though, we are hard at work at redefining and re-imagining the LPA experience. We cannot wait to eventually reveal to all of you our ideas and visions for the site going forward. When it's all done we think you guys will agree that it's pretty awesome. Thank you so much for your support and suggestions! We listen to and review everything our visitors say!
  6. #6

    Ginger Orangutan LPA VIP

    Apr 9, 2010
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    All the collectors post in the LPU thread, its by far the largest thread on the LPU boards. So big, it broke and a second had to be made. Also, A_Thousand_fans I can email you a list and prices of most LP media items. Its a bit out of date and does not have much LT things items.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2013

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