rather get my heart broken. see what a kind, thoughtful, unselfish person i am? if world peace was to be decided by your lp cd's, would you rather a) give up your lp cds and never listen to the glorious band again, while the world is in eternal peace - or B) keep your lp cds while the rest of the world is engaged in a never ending battle against themselves? I AM TWISTED
a). (i could always listen to them on the radio ) would you rather have a kid naturally, or adopt (when the time came)?
luckiest, because then you would become rich rather eat so much you become grosely obese, or get eaten?
Grosely obese. That way I can shed the pounds through a diet or some hilariously humiliating game show. Wopuld you rather get killed by a drunk driver, or be the drunk driver killing someone?
Get killed by the Drunk driver casue i would never drive impaired, I'm not that big of a coward. Would you rather play golf with just woods and a putter or just irons and a putter?
north pole. deffinately. die a virgin or be raped once. (interesting fact: 90% of all rapes are by someone you know.)
kiss my brother...cause i don't have one. WOULD YOU RATHER... die before your true love does, or die after your true love does??
make a child cry (just take away the lolly and done) would you rather throw your computer out of the window or your mother?
my mom (we have a window 2 ft off the ground) rather become an epic hero who hates him/her self or be a nobody
epic hero who hates him self. would you rather fly in the worlds smallest plane or ride the worlds biggest boat?