Poor and not-lonely. Would you rather be a Telemarketer or a Jehovah's Witness? [/b][/quote] Telemarketer, definately. Would you rather be in school your entire life (normal schedule with breaks and weekends included) and know many wonderful things or only go to school two days a week without a vacation and not know as much?
Of cource the 2nd one. What do you prefer, a big beautiful house or a nice beautiful powerful and very expensive car?
drown because it's less painful Would you rather spent eternity alone or just have one day with your perfect partner and have the best day of your life and die after that?
One day with my perfect partner and die. Would you rather be hung from a cliff by your toes or your fingers?
Angelina Jolie for sure. Would you rather Kill a family member for $1,000,000,000 or live with them for the rest of your life where your always happy?
kill the family member would you rather cheat on you parenter and livbe with the guilt, or have them cheat on you
cheat on my partner (if that is what you meant)er and live with the guilt would you rather kill yourself or solve the frggin problems?
Well either way we'd have to be each other. Would you rather eat double breakfast or have double lunch?