#101 98% of the noobs that post during the album release cycle are required to exit the premises once the release is over.
#105 Minus holds the right to announce flame war winners only if he isn't involved himself. If he is therein involved, he systematically wins any flame war by default.
#107. Anyone who posts pics of them posing with rainbow condom mascots automatically wins. Just wins.
#108 Topics that are designed for the sole purpose of post-whoring are so awesome. (isn't this just "_____ Reasons Why the LPA Rocks, V2"?)
#112 If you say something fucking obvious in the shoutbox (or otherwise) and act like you're the first person to think of it, I will sarcastically excuse myself to go "hand craft you a medal". At which point, minuteforce will begin planning you a parade. Decay will subsequently be in charge of confetti.
#119 I will usually join Ree with the popcorn because it's fucking delicious and we both love entertainment.
#120 90% of the time, Baby Minus or whatever the fuck he's calling himself at the time will be smack dab in the middle of said entertainment. Mostly because he can't join for popcorn as he doesn't know how to post that smiley. Is it ?