The scariest thing that ever happened to me was when I was 7 and me and my mum were drving home from a party and we had to drive down a old lane through a really horribly scary graveyard called Highgate Cemetary (renouned as one of the scariest in the world) at 10 at night in autumn and all of a sudden the car broke down.I almost P***ed myself at how much I was scared.I look back it now though and I laugh. Only thing that really scares me now is clowns I'm convinsed they're unholy creatures of the night reach:... just kidding but I am afraid of them
I think it was in Scotland, when me and my friend went camping. took a walk at 10 pm or so, and than when we came back to our tent and there was all like bloodstains and stuff. It scared the sh*t out of me. And we went sleeping and we constantly heard a weird howling. It was soo ####### creepy! Still don't know what that was. and yea. sometimes I still have nightmares about it
That would probably be the time my brother had to drive us all home because my mom got drunk..and I remember her specifically telling my brother not to take the back roads because there was a huge speed bump on one of them because the construction guys were working on the road, but he did anyways..and we went over it, and we have an SUV, so we flipped almost half over and then landed upright on the road... :chemist:
when i almost lost tetris. god that was scary. the yellow blocks were in the wrong column. ..i cant think of anything else.
Probably when I was young, I had a few friends over to watch The Exorcist. We were all mildly scared, until when one of my friends blurted out that the original story of the movie was only 10 miles away.
LMFAO!!!! for me it was the time i pasted out in the girls washroom at school because me and my ex boyfriend broke up and when i'm emotional upset i don't really take care of myself so i didn't eat for 3 days and then i just passed out 0_o
when I was 5 my maid took me to the top of our building (50 stoerioes) so she could watch me and hang up the washing, well why she was hanging up the clothes to dry she forgot about me and I wonderd off and someone didnt lock the door that prevented ppl from walking further on so stepped over the ledge and fell down, but luckly I landed on scafolding that the cleaners had set up. I was also mugged twice in a week , and got stabbed, second time I got used to it .
When my hair started on fire while I was blowing out the candles on my 4th or 5th Birthday cake..seriously. Kid with long hair + lighted candles =Trouble. And I just realized this is the first time I have ever told anyone this..
Two scary moments: I once fainted and had a seizure after getting a blood test. Ever since, I've been scared of blood tests and hospitals. I also have been in a car accident a few years ago and received multiple stitches to my head.
Hmm i can't think of anything that has happened to me that could be concidered THAT much scary Thinks...
The scariest thing i remember happening to me was probably driving home in a really bad storm. Then all of a sudden about 100 feet ahead of our vehicle lightning struck down and hit the road. Other than this nothing has scared me.
I saw Gigli. I damn near shat my pants. I also nearly drowned once, but i'm not scared for life or anything.
Watching kazaam i couldnt sleep for days knowing that he'd pop out of the stereo if i touched it. If i ever think of anything else , ill post it lol
To my count, I should be dead a few times already...I guess a few of those count Most recent: Hit a deer with my car. If it had been six inches over, it would have come through the windshield, and I wouldn't be typing this right now. But it didn't, and I managed to kick a field goal with the deer between two stop signs Scariest: Storm chasing, and came within 1000 feet of a tornado. I got out of the car to get a better look, and two pieces of sheet metal flew 30 feet over my head, and a power pole fell down across the road a few hundred feet ahead. Never again. Well, not unless a big enough one decides to menace Winnipeg
Falling asleep in the guys' dorm. Woke up in a strange bed with a blanket thrown over me and my shoes and sweater off. Wondered where I was and whether I had been raped. ...Then I realized that I had fallen asleep in the middle of The Last Samurai. Sweet guys, they are. I must have REALLY been out, because they got my shoes off and lifted me into a loft without waking me up.
Lets see, just tonight I had to drive about 100 miles on a little country highway that was 2 lanes and curvy and shit in the dark....that was fun...I thought I'd be going offroading in my sports car for a bit
when my gf's cousin called me to tell me they had gotten in a car accident the moment before he told me they were okay
the most scariest moment in my life was getting hit by a car in the front while i was on a bike, sometimes i dream about the car coming at me and me flying through the air, breaking my legs. an other moment was when Marj got attacked by a dog, the dog bit her in her leg. another scary moment was when Marj fell with her head on a screw... I think I stop here..