Welcome to the new LPA Forums on the XenForo platform! It is going to take us all awhile to get used to everything. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please post them in this thread so that we can address them.
No, the LPA is now Jewish. No more Fourskin. In the bottom left corner, if you click where it says LPA5, you can change to a dark theme, but that is all you can change.
Spoiler: 消えてよ Though it may look like I'm spamming I'm actually testing to see if certain things work correctly. [media]http://video.webmfiles.org/big-buck-bunny_trailer.webm[/media] http://www.link.com http://www.link.com Edit: Liked and Disliked a couple of @Minus 's posts to test the "like" feature. Sorry for being annoying. :X @Kevin @Todd @Zane Is it possible to mass edit every thread that has [thumb] and [/thumb] to a lot of broken pics are going to be seen. Also, just tested mentions @Jesse
The Session thread is kinda fucked, video embeds don't work and shit... And I really need that fixed, cause I (and Tony and FiP) put way too many hours into it for it to be fucked like that.
Directly embeding webms doesn't work at all and as mentioned above, mentions do not seem to work correctly as it doesn't notify the user they've been mentioned. And nope, the Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter buttons don't appear to be hyperlinked correctly. Sharing to twitter and facebook works via the buttons below. The "Rate the Song Above" thread is totally fucked up. I don't really know how to fix it to be honest, unless you implement the same type of tagging feature the forum had previously. It would probably really be hard to mass edit it because of the structure of the tag. For example it's taged as [video=youtube;v9lcduEjsF4] [/video] so you can't just replace [video] and [/video] with [*Media=Youtube]code here[*/Media] of course you could "Find and Replace" [video=youtube; with Edit: actually just posting a youtube link autoembeds, no tags needed to be manually typed. It'll appear as [*MEDIA=youtube]NXtzcViZPGA*[/*MEDIA], to display , anyway, the video embeds might get annoying to fix, or might leave unwanted tags around if you do just mass edit.
Yeah, it would be difficult to fix all of the old video tags, we may just have to deal with it the way it is.
@Todd Yup, the mention worked. Thanks! Is there a way to make the shoutbox archive post the newest posst on the last page instead of the first page? And could they be inverted so the newest shouts are on the bottom and the earlier ones are on top? The shoutbox archive is reverted to how it was originally before it was changed. I understand this isn't a priority.
Could we change the /me function in the shoutbox? I dont know what its for right now, but this could be a more fun extra imo. let the command /me disappear the : before each shout and the text cursiv like : "Michele changed the topic"
Some color ideas for VIP since people aren't happy with it https://twitter.com/RGB_Colours/status/742371713950842880 https://twitter.com/RGB_Colours/status/749740265431334912 https://twitter.com/RGB_Colours/status/749136282773782529 https://twitter.com/RGB_Colours/status/748834293103857664 https://twitter.com/RGB_Colours/status/748471905468952576 https://twitter.com/RGB_Colours/status/748290711225786368 https://twitter.com/RGB_Colours/status/747022353578737664 https://twitter.com/RGB_Colours/status/745935192574070785 https://twitter.com/RGB_Colours/status/743700465339105280 https://twitter.com/RGB_Colours/status/742432107155316736 https://twitter.com/RGB_Colours/status/741405342295298048 https://twitter.com/RGB_Colours/status/739291413343506436 https://twitter.com/RGB_Colours/status/736633900013899777 would like something other than variations of tan and yellow but am ok with it
I don't think anyone was complaining about the VIP colour on Dark mode. It was light mode which was the problem, which is initially why I changed to Dark mode in the first place. The blinding yellow and white was killing my eyes.
Things that are just... Why: LIGHT RED TEXT ON BLACK BACKGROUND IN THE BLACK THEME Things that need to be put back: Shoutbox popout. Otherwise, it's k.
I spent the whole morning fixing that whole thread, all song posts now have working embeds. But some of the videos had been removed from YouTube for various reasons so it might be worth to go through and update those. At the bottom of every page it says to the left "LPA", click on that and it will show the theme selector, just select "LPA Dark"