Well there's a reason Oink has one of the most sought after invitations on the internet. EDIT: Found it.
I don't know I'd call it amazing... it's... decent... maybe even good... but something's just missing from it. Of course I said that about Angels & Airwaves, but now I love that album. But I also liked that one a lot more even when I first heard it -- I was just slightly let down.
I don't know... it just sounds so bland and blank to me. One of the few interesting songs is one they experiment on -- "The Pot." I think this year's had a lot of good music so far. Angels & Airwaves, Buckcherry (USA release, at least), Blue October, etc. Good start for me
Yeah, so, on Echoing The Sound, there's a huge debate as to whether this album is a decoy for the "real thing" or not. Oh, lord.
Same on Oink. Doesn't Tool do an April Fools Joke each year, with 2005's being when Maynard found Jesus? I'm thinking that maybe this is 2006 April Fool's joke...delayed a couple weeks becuase no one would actually take it seriously if this leaked on the 1st. Plus, they've been in the studio long enough to record a fake album. Whether or not it's real, it's good.
yeah that's what I was thinking too. all this hype for the album and it's nothing like I expected, I expected Lateralus X10 and it's just meh. Vicarious is the best song on the album. But if this album is fake I doubt they would go through all the trouble of putting out promo flyers with the album cover and making it available for presale on Amazon and posting the tracklisting on official sites. And for those of you who don't have a Oink account PM me and I'll tell you what site you can download the album from
There's no way they would have wasted all that time just for an April Fool's joke. That's just silly. Honestly -- can anyone who likes it tell me what they like about it? I'm not saying that in a rude way, I'm just trying to find a different way to listen to it. I want to like it, I just can't.
it could be a delayed joke? no one would believe it if they did something on April Fools because Tool is known for doing devious things on AFD
Yes, but that's far too over-the-top. I don't think they'd waste hundreds of thousands of dollars for an April Fool's joke.
I think the whole April Fools conspiracy theory is just wishful thinking and has no foundation for plausibility.
I've been listening to the song "Wings for Marie Part Two (10,000 Days)" and I must say, I retract my past statement about Jambi being the best track on the album... The song itself is just absolutely mindblowing. Listen to it more than once or you'll just pass by it as another Tool song. It's far more than that.
who says they used any money at all? they have their own studios, they have their own equipment. if this is a decoy album it's very possible that they didn't print any actual copies of the CD (or just a few to send out so it seems real) and they're just leaking it online then when it comes time for the album to come out on May 2nd all of the actual albums that they printed will come out instead of 10,000 Days. On May 2nd when the album gets released I'm going to see Tool in Seattle so we'll see what Maynard says, I'll check the store before I go too to see if 10,000 Days is in fact in stock.
If it is a decoy album then the real one will leak soon enough, I can't think of one CD i've been anticipating that hasn't leaked before the release date.