How can "The Summoning" and "War" be in separate sides? I thought the first was kind of an intro to the second.
I'm not sure that I'd personally rely on that listing to be definitive proof that the original cover art will be retained for any vinyl edition. It could just be a picture that they're using temporarily.
I was talking about the color of the vinyl, not the cover art, but thinking about it now, the white vinyl might be an international release, while the US gets the black vinyl.
well...while that might be true...both of them IMO work on their own..not as good as they are supposed to but they do and still I think it could to with the maximum capacity of lossless vinyl audio run time of 15 minutes together the first four track run approx. 14 minutes so that might have been a factor in it. Don't take my word for it. It's just a theory I came up with.
Why couldn't that be the album cover? All of their album covers are just blank white backgrounds. This cover is awesome.
No to be redundant, but this album cover totally destroys the one for the regular version. This art is sick!