I bet a line in the sand will be 4:00+ Brad said there was a couple of 5-6 minute tracks. I assume 2-3, including GATS But that's weird there are 3 other track lengths
Yeah I hope we do get a few more 5 min + songs on this album. I mean sure, if all the songs are incredible I won't really mind, but still.... LP really need to push the boundaries of song lengths a lot more. GATS was another step in the right direction
Notice Linkin Park has NEVER confirmed this to be the new single. All they are posting is "Our New SONG From The Hunting Party" so that's interesting, and also if anyone's noticed the single cover kind of looks like it has a Roman Numeral 1 incorporated in it. So, this could easily be the start of a countdown. Didn't they say they wanted to release more songs before the CD comes out? It makes perfect sense. And you guys obsession with long songs is alarming.
Then why they ain't pushin' it as the single now? Either way, you picked on one point of a post. #Next
Calm down kiddo, I'm saying that the recent post on Facebook says song, not single. Lose the caps. Thanks
Didn't think there would be the amount of hate that there has been. I'm enjoying the song and definitely looking forward to the album.
Don't call me "Kiddo". You said "Promoting" in general. It's not even been six hours. Calm the fuck down. Promotion will happen. We don't need this meaningless bickering over a word choice. Seriously, Linkin Park fans sometimes... Complain about EVERYTHING, I swear.
Zach clearly believes himself to be the authority on all things Linkin Park. After all...he knows when a song is a single and all about LPA and it's members. WOW YOU GUISE, HE KNOWS IT ALL. #wow #suchknowledge #muchbrainpower #sosmart